{Part Two} Chapter 20:

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"So how much trouble are we in?" I asked.

"Oh you're not in trouble at all, Luke was the one that broke the contract."

"Yeah but I let him." I said trying to make sure he doesn't get in too much trouble.

"Still, the press are already turning this whole thing into Luke being a cheater. We have to figure this whole thing out because apparently Kylie broke the contract too."

"Not really. I mean we flirt and we like each other, but we never acted on these feelings." Ashton said.

"Still the fact that Kylie and you have been seen holding hands in public and she's always sitting in between you and Luke doesn't look too good."

"So what are some of the story's they've come up with?" Kylie asked.

"So far there's only two different stories, one that Luke and Kylie have been fighting lately so Ashton and Kylie have become really close friends, and Luke has been cheating on Kylie with Carissa which is why they were fighting."

"That doesn't sound too good." Kylie muttered.

"Then there's this theory, Luke has always been in love with Carissa and only proposed to Kylie because Carissa rejected him, they stayed friends and Kylie knew he wasn't in love with her so she developed feelings for Ashton instead of breaking up with Luke."

"Well that doesn't sound awful." Luke said.

"Why can't you just tell them the truth?" I asked.

"Because its a complicated thing. You never want fans finding out that this whole year has been some big publicity stunt. Which is why I have a plan, but I need all of you to agree with it."


Two nights later I stood backstage with Kylie and Lydia as we anxiously waited for the commercial break to end so the interview lady, whom was apparently a very good friend of every member in 5SOS, could ask the damn question and this whole thing could be over with.

"Stop worrying, it'll be fine all of them know how to answer the questions that she's gonna ask next." Kylie told me and flashed me another encouraging smile.

"I know, and it's not just that, it's-well I've never been on camera before, let alone live television in front a lot of people." I replied.

"I was really nervous my first time too. I honestly can't give you much advice, The whole thing was kind of a blur, my mind was spinning with the looks people gave me." She said and I couldn't help but stare and notice how pretty she was in the outfit the designer people chose for her.

It was a simple and summery blue dress that looked stunning against her skin and made her eyes look an amazing shade of dark brown. It also managed to bring out the natural highlights in her caramel hair. She was naturally gorgeous and I found myself once again doubting that nothing had ever happened between her and Luke, that they never once had feelings for eachother.

"You look beautiful by the way." She told me as she finished the french side braid in Lydia's hair. Cute, adorable, and sweet little Lydia who refused to let anyone do her hair and make up, and wouldn't put her outfit on til both Ashton and Kylie had given their approval. It was actually pretty funny.

"Thank you, so do you." I said and realized that I looked much more dressed up than Kylie did. Her dress had a floral print and was a lace material, while mine was a strapless maroon silk dress that came a few inches above my knees and hugged my figure tightly. My hair was in a twisted side bun and my make up was light, except for mascara and eyeliner.

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