{Part Two} Chapter 17:

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"Hey what's wrong?" Julia asked me.

"Nothing." I lied.

"You saw Luke and Kylie didn't you." Robyn said.

"Shut up!!" I snapped.

"Chick what have I been telling you, it's just a publicity stunt. God when are you people gonna learn to listen to me?" She said exasperated. "CALUM!!!!!!" She shouted and gave him a hug.

"Hey guys, man I haven't seen you in forever."

"I know right." She said.

"Where's everyone else?" Julia asked.

"Luke is getting couply pictures with Kylie and Michael and Ashton are still getting changed."

"How many songs do you guys have left?" I asked.

"Four more than we're finished for the night. Oh and all of your names are on the after party list so don't take off right away." He said just as a guy told him it was time to go back on stage.

"Well we'll talk to you later than." I said as we waved bye.

"So what did you see that got you so upset?" Julia asked.

"I told you it's nothing....I just overeacted."

"Or you were jealous that Luke was acting all couply with Kylie." Robyn teased.

"Why did we even bring her?" I asked Julia.

"I don't even know."

"I'm right here!" Robyn said and crossed her arms.

"Yes and now they're performing again so put a sock in it." I told her.

"But there aren't any socks to-."

"I'm zoning you out so all I'm hearing is blah blah blah blah blah. Now shut up."

"You could've just said that." She muttered as the chorus for Everything I Didn't Say came on.

"Wow they are really trying to tortue you." Robyn said to me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"First they perform Amnesia, obviously a song Luke wrote about you because of the whole Brody thing and now this song."

"What's the big deal about this one?"

"It's everything he didn't get the chance to say to you because you two are fighting...again I'm the blonde." She snapped.

"You don't think that's true do you?" I asked Julia.

"They told their fans and the press that a lot of their new songs are about a certain girl from Maryland." She said and nudged my shoulder with hers.

"You're both joking right?" I asked and when they shook their heads I just groaned.

"Sorry babe but you did some major damage to Luke." Robyn said and patted my shoulder.

"You're not helping!!!!" Julia snapped and swatted her hand away from me.

"I'm being honest." She said defensively.

"Well how about I be honest with you," I said, "Bite me!!!" I yelled which earned us a few glares.

"Sorry she hasn't had any caffeine today." Julia apologized before shooting Robyn a look that would've put her 6 feet under if looks could kill.

"What? I'm blunt, get over it."

"Yeah well try getting a filter in that little blonde head of yours and than come and talk to me." Julia said.

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