{Part Two} Chapter 11:

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                                                                 Two Months Later

"Happy Birthday Carissa!" My mom, dad, and sister all yelled.

I sat up and smiled at them and the cupcake that Mya was holding. "Thanks guys." I said.

"Ooooooohhh guess who's here!" She said and jumped on my bed.

"Who Julia?"

"Nope. It's a boy." My mind immediately went to Luke but me and him haven't spoken in weeks.

"Um....Ky?" I asked again.

"Nope, me." A weirdly familiar voice said. I looked at my doorway and there was Brody! I felt all these emotions stirring inside of me. He looked good, really good. The boot camp had really been good to him in the body building department.

"Hey Brody."

"Happy birthday Carissa." He said and made his way over to me to give me a hug. "I missed you C." He said once he pulled away.

"I missed you too." I said and forgot about everyone else in my room. And I had, he's been my best friend since I was three. So yeah I missed him like crazy especially those 10 months when I got nothing from him not even a stinking letter. But missing someone isn't the same as loving someone.

"Well breakfast is almost ready so why don't we all go in the living room and catch up." My dad said.

"Yeah come on." I said and pulled Brody up and out of my room. "Hey we're just gonna go outside on the trampoline." I said once I saw that there was only three pancakes done.

"So I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that you wanna talk to me about what I told you in the letter." He said once we were situated on my trampoline.

"Yeah pretty much."

"Look I'm not gonna sit here and lie to you. I meant it, every word, C. I love you, three years without you made me realize that I need you in my life, that you're too important for me to ever let you go."

"Brody...I don't know what to say." I told him honestly, he is my best friend I cant just tell him that I have no feelings for him, that would be a lie. But I also cant just say that I've already met someone else because I still had feelings for him.

How the hell can you have feelings for two people at the same time!!!!

"You don't have to say anything just stay still." He said and hesitantly kisses me...and I kiss him back.

"Whoa." We both say when we pulled away before we kissed again.

                                                                   New York (One Hour Earlier)

Luke P.O.V.

Today is Carissa's birthday. That was my first thought when I woke up. I looked over at my nightstand and saw the birthday innovation. I grabbed it and read it over, her party started at 4:30 and ended whenever you feel like leaving as long as its before midnight.

"Luke come on we gotta get down to the studio!" Ashton yelled and pounded on my door.

"Okay, okay I'm up you ass!" I hollered back.

"Don't swear its not good you dickhead!"



"Shut the fuck up." I said and with that I got out of bed and got dressed.

"Well look who's finally up!" Michael said.

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