{Part One} Chapter 2:

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"So did you hear about the 5SOS concert in Delaware?" Me and Robyn were sitting on my trampoline and apparently she had started saving up for her ticket once she found out they were coming.

"Yeah me and Julia are gonna go. And we were hoping you could come too!"

"Well duh."

"Good and if Tihs says you can't go at the last minute-."

"Then I get a shower before dinner change into the outfit I'm wearing to the concert and put baggy sweat pants and baggy t-shirt and I'll eat dinner then after that I take the trash out when you text me that you're outside."

"What about your hair, makeup, and jewelry."

"Its concert I don't need to d anything with my hair, I don't wear makeup, and I'll put on some earrings on the way there. Problem solved."

"Wow you really want to go to this concert."

"No dip shit Sherlock, and m going to this concert whether she likes it or not."

"So what happens when she finds out that you've suck out."

"Well that'll only happen if she wants me to watch Seth or get him to go to sleep."

"Why doesn't she do it?"

"Because she's Tihs, a 'mother' of 5 kids yet she can't raise them so she makes her only daughter do it."


"She raised Paige until she was 13, technically she's her mother."

"Don't let Paige hear you say that."

"I dont plan on it." We talked a little bit more about the concert and then I told Julia that Robyn could go. Then it was time for dinner and we had to go inside.

I was reading this really good book after dinnner, i just wanted to finish this stupid chapter but Robyn wouldnt shut up. "Orioles just got a grand slam, and your dad just explained what that is to me."

"Shhh. Im reading about Caitlin and Rogerson."

"I dont know those people are. Well a Katelin goes to my school but everyone calls her Katie and I just have no clue who the heck Rogerson is. But I know a Roger, well used to."

"Theyre the people talking in this book." I said and shoved the book in her face.

"Why is there a bridge on the cover?"

Because there can be."

"But unless its lie bridge to terribithia it has no right to have a bridge on the cover."

"But it is like bridge to terribithia."

"Then why is it called dreamland?"

"Because the girl, Caitlin, is dating a drug dealer, Rogerson." I snapped.

"That's not bridge to terabithia." She said. I just looked at her for a few seconds and then started laughing.


"I tell you Caitlin is dating a drug dealer and your mad because it's not like bridge to terabithia?"

"Yeah so?"

 "Ohhhhh, nevermind I get it now." She says as if the lightbulb just clicked on over her head, which only made me laugh even more.

"See this why you love me." She said.

"Because you're an idiot?'

"Shut up."

"No you shut up. I really just want to finish this chapter then I'll go play barbies with you and Mya."

"Yay! Read fast!!!"

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