{Part Two} Chapter 14:

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As me and Brody walked down the boardwalk, hands intertwined, I couldn't stop smiling. Yeah it sucked that me and Luke are no longer friends, but I'm still friends with the rest of 5SOS and having my best friend not only come back but have him come back as my boyfriend, made up for it by a lot.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me.

"You." I said.

"Good. So do you wanna talk about Luke?" He asked.

"There's really nothing to talk about, he's just mad because I like and he likes me."

"Well I figured that much. But you aren't upset or anything about the fight?"

"Nah, I've got you so it's really not that big a deal, when he comes around it'll be because he's moved on."

"Do you mean that, or is that what you're hoping will happen?"

"Both." I stated simply as we laid the blanket out on top of the sand before sitting down on it.

"You remember when we used to have our annual birthday picnics here and everyone would tell us what a cute couple we make?" Brody asked as he put his arm across my shoulders.

"Yeah and we would always tell them that we were just friends." I said through a chuckle.

"Well now we don't have to." He said and pecked my head.

"You're so cheesy, you know that right?" I asked but was smiling anyway. I still can't believe he's my actual boyfriend. This is only the second day since we've been going out but it feels as if we've been going out since we were teenagers, we just now made it official.

"Yeay but you love it, so it's okay." He said and I smiled as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, his arms just felt like home to me.

Luke's P.O.V.

"He had too much iron in his body which led to an infection that weakened his heart muscles. So he was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease, or CAD, giving him systolic heart failure. We're surprised he managed to live this long considering he's been having heart problems for almost 8 months."

"Wait what?" Kylie asked the nurse. "That's wrong, he's only been having the symptoms for 3 months."

"The symptoms he had weren't only fainting and apetite loss, he also had a very bad cough, an irregular pulse, breath shortness, an enlarged abdomen, and swollen feet. He's been having all these symptoms for a little over 8 months, he just didn't want to worry you and sister." She said and placed a gentle and caring hand on Kylie's shoulder.

Once the nurse left I wrapped my arms around her and brought her back over to me and Lydia. "It's gonna be okay." I whispered and hugged her.

"No it's not, he's gone. They can't do anything to bring him back, we're orphans with nowhere to go." She said and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Look you guys could come live with us til you figure something else out?" I said and rubbed my thumb in circles around her shoulder.

"I'm pretty sure that would reflect badly towards your career. But thanks."

"No, I don't give a damn what the press think, besides technically we're engaged."

"You're willing to lie to all your fans, hell the whole world, just so me and Lydia have a temporary home? Why?"

"Because you just lost both your parents, you need something good in your life right now." I said simply and wiped away some of her tears.

"Thank you." She said and stroked Lydia's hair. "It means a lot."

"Don't mention it." I said. "You want some food?"

"Hospital food?" She asked and crinkled her nose in disgust.

"I was thinking more so vending machine food."

"Sounds a lot better. Two candy bars and a soda would be awesome." She said innocently.

"Do I look like I'm made of money to you?" I asked and she pulled a dollar out of my pocket.


"Oh ha ha." I said before going down the hall to get some food from the vending machines.

"So I'm like a major fan of your band but I had no idea that you were engaged or even had a girlfriend." A young teen girl said after I put my money in and got two twix bars.

"Well I am." I lied easily.

"Okay but why somebody so.....average." She said disgustedly while glaring at Kylie. "I mean most of us figured you and Carissa would get together sometime soon, because you guys are sooo cute together......but she's just a nobody."

"Don't talk about her that way. I picked her because she's amazing and funny and caring. Besides didn't you hear? Me and Carissa are no longer friends." I said and put a dollar into the drink machine to get a pepsi.

 "Why what happened?" She asked but sounding anything but sorry.

"Nothing,  now if you don't mind I'd like to get to my fiance and her little sister." I finally said once I got everything I needed then I walked away.

"Ooooh wait would you mind taking a picture with me?" She asked as she pulled out her cell phone.

"Sure." I said and stood smiling next to her as she snapped a picture before I walked back over to Kylie and Lydia.

"Took you long enough." She said and nudged me with her shoulder once I sat down.

"Sorry had to take a pic with a fan." I explained.

"It's fine." She said before eating a Reeses cup.

"Miss? Here's the papers you need to fill out." A nurse said and handed Kylie a pack of papers to sign.

"Great, thank you." She said.

"I'm gonna be here all night." She muttered once the nurse had left.

Carissa's P.O.V.

Robyn: So you're completely over Luke? Just like that?

Me: Yes Robyn!!!!! I swear I've told you a million times, I don't have anymore feelings for Luke.

Robyn: Well sooorrrry! It just seems weird that the minute Brody comes back and admits he's in love with you you're feelings for Luke just disappear into thin air.

Me: Get to your point

Robyn: You're gonna hate me.........

Me: I already do............

Robyn: I think you're just using Brody as your unneccessary rebound guy. You're scared of taking a chance with Luke because it's not a sure thing, so you transfer your feelings over to Brody because you know the only reason he would ever leave is when death do you part.

That message kept playing in my mind all night there was a part of me that agreed with it, it was a small part, but it was still there admitting that Robyn was right and I needed to face reality.

But then there was another part of me, a much bigger part, that was telling me that I've been in love with Brody since high school. So my feelings for him died down a little while he was at boot camp and yeah I may have developed some tiny feelings for Luke while Brody wasn't here, but I don't feel those things for Luke anymore.

Me: No, you're wrong. I'm in love with Brody.

Robyn: Yeah okay, that's why it took you over three hours to respond, it's not rocket science.

Okay so it may have taken me a little time to finally decide on my feelings, but at least now I know that I'm in love with Brody not Luke.

I just hope I'm right.

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