{Part Two} Chapter 19:

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Luke's P.O.V

"Woah!!!! Go Lydia!!!!"

"You got this Kylie!!!"

"C'mon team wheelchair!!!" Ashton, Calum, and Michael cheered while we played Wheelchair basketball in the basketball court behind our hotel.

So far Kylie and Lydia were kicking our asses.

"What happened to bands stick together?" I asked after they cheered on Kylie for making another three pointer.

"Sorry." Michael said though he sounded anything but.

"Yeah yeah." I grumbled as Carissa passed me the ball. I rolled my wheelchair as fast as I could down the court and tried to make a shot but of course I missed by like, a mile.

See here's the thing, me and Carissa really aren't that good at basketball, add wheelchairs and that only makes us ten times worse. Whereas Kylie was on the varsity basketball team at her school and one of the fundraisers they did every year was hosting a basketball game for children in wheelchairs, so she knew exactly what she was doing. Lydia wasn't half bad either considering she's been in a wheelchair for two weeks and has been practicing with Kylie since the day she got home from the hospital.

Basically what I'm trying to say is, we're completely screwed.

"HA!!!!" Kylie screamed as she made the final and winning basket with nothing but net.

"Yeah my sis just kicked your butts!!!" Lydia with pride in her voice.

"Well obviously I had your help Lyds don't give me all the credit." She said smiling and squeezed her sister in a victory hug.

"You could've at least let us score some more...." Carissa mumbled, yeah the final score was 21-3 and the one shot that we got was by accident. I was still trying to figure out how to roll the wheelchair properly and bumped into Carissa while she was shooting which resulted in the ball rebounding into the net. That would've amde anyone a poor sport.

"Sorry." Kylie said sheepishly after letting go of her sister.

"Don't be babe, you guys won fair and square." Ashton said and kissed her cheek which made her blush.

"Besides its not your fault they suck" Calum added.

"Oh thanks." Carissa and rolled her eyes.

"Anytime babe, now who wants some lunch?" Calum said before him and Michael walked back inside. Ashton helped Kylie stand up and then rolled Lydia inside as well.

"Come on Hemmings." Carissa said and offered me her hand. I grabbed it but instead of allowing her to pull me up, I pulled her down onto my lap.

"Luke!" she screamed and thumped my chest before trying to stand up, but I simply tightened my hold around her.

"You're engaged Hemmings." She said, I guess thinking that would make me let her go, that didn't happen.

"Yeah but you know it's only a contract deal and we're never going to get married." I whispered in a very quiet voice with my lips brushing against her ear.

"Yeah but we are in public so I think it would be smart if you just let me go."

"But you see I did that once already and, with it being my absolute most dummest mistake, I don't plan on doing it again." I murmured and kissed her neck.

"Luke." She breathed, "Stop." But I did't listen instead I led a trail of kisses up her neck and along her jawline, man am I an idiot.

"Luke." She said again but this time her voice had more urgency in it so I pulled away only to notice some bright flashes from the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw at least three men with cameras taking pictures of us from the trees and bushes.

"Shit." I said and stood up with Carissa still in my arms.

"I can walk you know." She said as I basically ran inside while carrying her bridal style.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't care." I said as I all but kicked down the door to our hotel room.

"We gotta problem." I yelled and finally put Carissa down on her feet.

"Okay just because you got your asses whooped doesn't mean you gotta be all-." I shoved Calum off the couch before telling him to shut up.

"Well damn, what crawled up your ass and died?" Michael asked as Kylie started to help Calum get back on the couch.

"The damn papparzi, that's what!!!" I yelled.

"Shit, do they know?" Kylie asked and completly forgot about Calum, which resulted in him falling down again.

"Either that or they think I'm cheating on you with Carissa."

"Wait so you guys a re back together again!!!" Michael asked in happiness but before either of us could answer Ashton came storming out of Lydia and Kylie's bedroom.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys, Lydia is trying to go to sleep." Ashton yell whispered at us and gave us all dissaproving glares.

"The papparazi got a bunch of pictures of me and Luke in uh.....a compromising position." Carissa said.

"Well damn." Ashton said.

"So what are we going to do?" Calum asked, finally sitting back on the couch instead of on the floor. Almost as if on que, my cell phone rang. I looked down at the caller ID to see our manager's name flashing on the screen.

"Shit." I muttered before answering it.

"Yeah?" I asked nervously after accepting the call.

"Luke you came to me asking for the fake marriage agreement, you had three more months you couldn't wait!!!" He yelled through the speaker.

"I'm sorry it's-."

"Oh you're sorry? I don't wanna hear that! What I wanna hear is you and everyone else getting your butts in a car to drive to my office so we can figure this whole thing out!" He snapped before hanging up.

"Come on we gotta go." I said.


Carissa's P.O.V.

We all rode in silence as the car took us to the boys' manger's office. Calum had asked to stay home to watch Lydia since she was already asleep and getting her and her wheel chair in the limo without waking her up would've taken too much time.

We pulled up to the building 10 minutes later and were told to go straight up.

We all sat in the waiting room until their manager came out and said he wanted to speak with Kylie and Luke first. Ashton squeezed Kylie's hand in a comforting way and Luke kissed my cheek and they both walked into the office.

"Do you think they'll get in trouble?" I asked Michael.

"Probably not." He answered.

"Yeah they'll most likely just get a long lecture and then we'll get called in their to help decide what we're going to tell the press." Ashton explained.

"Good." I sighed, letting out a breath I had no clue I had been holding. I really didn't want Luke to get into huge trouble because of me.

"So you and Kylie, huh?" I asked teasingly.

"So you and Luke, huh?" Ashton mocked.

"Oh please that is so last year's news." I said exagerating the so.

"Yeah get up to date with this stuff." Michael said just before the door opened and Luke motioned for us to come inside.

"Well this should be fun." I whispered to Michael before we all stood up and walked into the office.

"Oh you have no idea." He whispered back.

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