{Part One} Chapter 3:

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"Hey Luke."

"You made it!!!"

"Nope, these are just holograms of us we're really at home sleeping." I said.

"Shut up and give me a hug." He said and wrapped his arms around me. "Oh and this is Julia, my best friend and Robyn, my cousin."

"Hey I'm Luke, its nice to meet some of Carissa's friends." He said and hugged each of them.

"So do you guys want to meet the rest of 5SOS?" He asked Julia and Robyn after a couples minutes of just talking about random things.

"Well duh." Robyn said very bluntly.

He took the three of us to the dressing room where the rest of the boys were. "Carissa!!!!!!!!!!!!" Michael yelled and practically squeezed the life out of me with what he called 'a hug.'

"Oh god...I...can't...breath." I choked out. "Right sorry." He said and put me down.

"Well damn I missed you too." I muttered.

"Anyway this Robyn and this is Julia."

"Hello." Michael said shook their hands.

"So you're Carissa." Ashton said while pointing to me.

"Yup." I said and popped the p. "You mean the one that Luke never shuts up about?" Calum added. "I guess?" I answered as more of a question.

"The girl that he swears he's madly in-." Ashton began but Luke shoved an apple in his mouth. "I think its time you two shut up now." Luke said.

"You're madly what Luke?"

"I'm madly...amazing at...singing." he said.

"Nobody likes a bragger." I said and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Actually nobody likes a liar." Calum said.

"Or someone who keeps secrets." Ashton added.

"I swear I'm going to shove a jar of Nutella down your pants in your sleep if you two don't shut up." Luke said. An awkward silence came over everyone until Julia spoke up. "So you guys got any good music?"

An hour later everyone was still in the dressing room, dancing and singing like crazy. Then Sugar We're Going Down by fall out boy came on. I sang along to the lyrics and didn't even realize that Ashton had cut off the song in the middle of the chorus until Michael told me that me Luke sound amazing together.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "Aww she's blushing. Luke why didn't you tell us she's this adorable." Calum said.

"See we told you 5 million times that you can sing, but do you ever listen to us? Noooooo! Of coarse not." Robyn said attempting to break the ice of me and Luke just standing there. Then I looked at the time. "Oh shit its after 11:40." I said.

"Oh my god she's gotta curfew too." Ashton said.

"C'mon we gotta go." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well it was fun hanging out with you guys, next time don't have a curfew so we can actually have some fun." Ashton said.

"Dude you realize just how dirty that sounded, right?" Michael asked him.

"Maybe I meant that way." He replied and wiggled his eyebrows. "Okay I don't know about you-."

"BUT IM FEELING 22!!!!!!" Calum sang.

"No, I'm leaving now." Robyn finished.

"Well be a party pooper then." He said and threw himself on the couch. "I will, gladly." She said.

"Wait do you want me to drop you off or are you just gonna spend the night at my house?" I asked her.

"I'm gonna have to face Tihs, sooner or later. But since I like disappeared off the face of the earth there's a pretty good chance she drank a lot of alcohol and passed out and won't remember tonight tomorrow morning." She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Wait what kind of name is Tihs? And who is she?" Calum asked.

"My mom, and her name is Tish, but she's a shitty mother who pissed off my friend Allison. So she switched the h and the s and now my moms name in my contacts is shit spelled backwards."

"Well someone really doesn't like your mom." He said.

"Nobody likes her mom." Julia said.

"Okay we really have to go its almost midnight." I said and dragged the two of them out of there. "Wait we want your numbers!" Ashton yelled and followed us down the hall. Once we exchanged numbers with him and Calum and Michael, I all but threw Robyn and Julia into the car and, luckily there were no cops, drove thirty miles over the speed limit til we got home 16 minutes after midnight.

The only thought running through my head: I'm so grounded.

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