{Part One} Chapter 7:

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"Luke? What are you doing here?" I asked and stepped away from Ky once I realized how it could look from his point of view.

"Um nothing...I uh just wanted to see how you were doing. But, er I can see that you're doing just fine, so um, yeah I'm just gonna go." He said and began to walk away.

I walked towards him and grabbed his arm. "You don't have to leave Luke, but you do have to help us unpack at least one box." I said and pulled him back into the kitchen.

"Uh I don't know, I mean I should really get back to the-."

I just rolled my eyes and cut him off," Luke this is Ky my new nieghbor. Ky this is Luke a guitarist in 5 seconds of summer. Also known as the band's concert that got me grounded for a month."

"Hey, I'm Ky Davis." Ky said and held his hand out for Luke to shake, but Luke kind of just stood there doing nothing but looking from me to Ky and back again.

"Luke Hemmings." He finally said and awkwardly shook his hand.

"I promise I don't bite." Ky said and went back to unpacking the plates.

"Luke please be nice." I whispered before handing him some silverware to put away.

"I will if he will." Luke said and put the butter knives up.

"That makes no sense, all he's been to you is nice."

"Sure stick up for him." He snapped saying 'him' like it was poison.

"And what the hell does that mean?" I whisper-yelled.

"Nothing its just you were practically hanging off his neck and he was basicallly grabbing your ass-!" He seethed, but I didn't feel like listening so I cut him off.

"We were hugging Luke its not like we were grinding eachother!" I honestly have no idea what was going on with Luke, he was always so kind and thoughtful and fun and easy to be around but now he was just being a dick for no reason what-so-ever.

"Could've fooled me." He snapped.

"Excuse me!" by this time I had lost all control and was yelling.

"Okay guys calm down." Ky said and got in between us, blocking my view of Luke.

"Stay out of this doutche-bag!" He yelled at Ky and pushed him aside.

"Luke! What the hell is wrong with you?" I yell and helped Ky get up.

"You. That's what my problem is, I came here to tell you I lied and I see you hugging him as if he's the best thing ever!" He yelled and at first I didn't process his words cause there were a lot of things he could've lied about yesterday.

"I think you need to go." I said not looking at him.

"Fine. I'm leaving." He said calmly but he might as well have been screaming his lungs out at me because I knew those three little words had a double meaning.

"Bye." I say quietly.

"You don't have to leave. Obviously you two need to talk I can go unpack my stuff in my room while you two finish the kitchen." Ky suggests and Luke just glares at him as if he had no right to speak.

"Didnt I tell you to stay out of this!!" He snapped at Ky.

"Im just trying to help-."

"Well i dont want your help. And that's why, as long as you're here, I'm going back to the hotel, bye." He snapped and then walked out and slammed the front door.

"Well lets finish the kitchen..." I said.

"Why don't you go talk to him?"

"Because he was being a dick to you for no reason."

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