Chapter 7

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Chapter VII When the truth comes out

So while Makail and Drath were flying Makail started think like he had said only after minutes from their departure from the building. He started wondering why everyone was in so much awe, when they saw him so Makail asked him.

"Drath I have been wondering why does everyone look at you in such awe like they have never seen a dragon like you." Makail said aloud

I personally don't know Makail it does seem like they are trying to keep a secret from us don't you think Makail? Drath thought?

I agree with you Drath It does seem like they are hiding something, you want to ask? Makail thought?

I don't think it would be a bad idea. Drath replied.

"So let's go back and ask." Makail said aloud.

So they flew in silence back to the Academy. When they had reached the Academy Hazel met them. Makail dismounted off of Drath. Then they started walking towards the Academy.

"Hazel why does everyone look at Drath in so much awe, they have never seen him before?" Makail asked?

"You will need to talk to all the leaders of the other four academies other wise known as the G.O.A.L. and they only way they will do that is if you go to the Plains Of Dragons they probably have something to deal with it." Hazel explained.

" And where is that and what does G.O.A.L. stand for?" Makail asked?

"You will have to ask Linken and the fastest way there is by dragon if you want to get to the Plains Of Dragons and G.O.A.L. stands for group of all leaders." Hazel replied.

"That does sound cool but when you make it an acronym it sounds absolutely ridiculous." Makail said.

"Yep that is exactly what I thought when I heard what G.O.A.L. stood for." Hazel said.

So Makail went to up the lift to where Hazel said Linken would be at. So Makail came up to the door and knocked. The door opened and he looked at Makail puzzlement written on his eyes.

"Hello Makail what a nice surprise." Linken said.

"I need to know the truth about my dragon Drath and why everyone looks at him in awe." Makail said.

"I should have known that this day would come sooner or later wished we could have gotten more training in but I guess not, I will take you to the plains of dragons." Linken said.

"I guess we have a flight ahead of us." Makail said.

"I guess we do." Linken said.

They left the room and used the lifts to get to the bottom floor. They then mounted their dragons and head for the plains of dragons. They flew in silence the entire time. By the time the reached the plains of dragons he understood why it was named that. It was a flat land of grass in nearly every direction except where they had came from their was also lots of dragons in every direction as well. Then they suddenly dropped down into a hole in the side the only rock in the plain and it looked solid but they flew right on through then Makail couldn't see anymore since it was pitch black and he could feel the wind on his face it felt great then it stopped. They landed and all he saw was a long hallway lined with torches with a stone wall at the end of it. Linken told his dragon to stay where he was. The dragon obliged by laying it's head down. so they walked towards the stone wall and when they reached it he pressed a button which looked like a stone in the wall which opened the door and in front of them was a large table and five chairs all in a row like five judges and was well lit with torches. All were occupied besides one which Linken walked over and sat in it. Then someone spoke up.

"Why is he here so early I thought you said we had maybe another week." said one of the people there sounding outraged.

"David he is here to know the truth of his dragon and I guess he was a little quicker to catch on than I thought." Linken answered

"Well it doesn't look like he does have his dragon and work on your guessing it would do you and us some good." David said sounding annoyed.

"I believe we are being deceived they both seem to be telling lies." said another man that was there.

"We are not being deceived Gregory I have seen him myself." Linken said.

"Then why can't we see him." said the man in the middle of the group

"He is dark as night Elrod." Linken explained.

"So you're saying he is a black dragon." Elrod asked?

"Yes I am." Linken said.

"From my knowledge the black dragon is only a myth in folklore, but if he has arrived in our plain of reality than we are in trouble." Elrod said.

"I have seen him before me but if this is true than we are in trouble." Linken said.

"Then have him show himself already." said the other, who had yet to talked yet.

"Makail can you give Lloyd and the others their wishes." Linken said.

Then from the darkness Drath stepped out. They all had eyes of shock written on their faces except Linken.

"Oh no we are in great danger." Elrod said with worry in his eyes.

"Know let's get on with the question of why his dragon is important." Linken said.

"Then I will tell him." Elrod said losing the shock from his face.

"There was a time when a black and white dragon lived in harmony until the black dragon became corrupted by power. The black dragons rider's name is Hildreth and the black dragon's name was Chaos. So he and the white dragon fought but the black dragon was stronger so the rider and dragon were killed. Know he has been growing stronger and no has been able to stop him. People even say is like a shadow and only shadow can touch shadow." Elrod said.

"So no one has been able to beat him even a few new powerful dragons that seemed promising." Gregory said

"There is a myth or legend which ever you prefer but it entails that if no one is able to beat him than a dragon dark as night will rise to defeat the beast of shadows". Elrod said.

"Wait so you're telling me that my dragon is part of a legend." Makail said confused.

"Yes your dragon is part of a myth." Elrod said.

"So it has begun than?" Makail asked?

"Yes Hildreth is still out there causing more chaos and become stronger as the days go on." David said.

"There's also another myth and prophecy has come to light with this one becoming real." Elrod said.

"Yes the should we tell him it." Lloyd said.

"Yes we should." Elrod said.

"Ok here it goes it is simple but means something big. Lloyd said.

"Just get to the point already don't bore us." Gregory said.

"Alright It is, hell will begin the void will open and the heavens will rise above all else maybe even through the dark days." Lloyd said.

"What does it mean." Makail asked?

"It means that Ragnarok may awaken but we are not sure of this". Linken said.

Then Drath started walking out the door. Then Makail followed.

"I guess that's everything we need to explain to them." Gregory said.

"I believe he needs to start getting prepared." Elrod said.

"I would agree." Linken said.

"I will lead him back to the academy." Elrod said

"Something seems off with him" Lloyd said.

"Like what things." Linken asked?

"A lot of things that would never be expected to come to this plane of reality" Lloyd answered.

"Don't tell me it is him." Gregory said in horror.

"I can't be certain but it might be him but we can't just jump it we need to let it play out." Lloyd said.

"Who do you think is causing these events." Elrod asked?

"I think it is our good friends Makail and Drath." Lloyd answered.

"Well I better get going and Linken you should stay here until we get this all sorted out and I will be right back." Elrod said.

"We will try to converse a plan before you get here." Gregory said.

"I doubt it." Lloyd said.

"Why do you say that." Gregory asked sounding a little aggravated?

"You make unnecessarily complicated plans or impossible plans or even ones that are just covered in whys." Lloyd said.

"Why you little ..." Gregory said before he was interrupted.

"Don't you dare say that and stop bickering remember we need to be making plans to keep the world safe not declarations of war between each other." Elrod said while continuing to walk away.

"You are one lucky bastard and you are lucky that I like you." Gregory said.

"I know I am." Elrod said once the large stone slab closed behind him.

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