chapter 22

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Chapter XXII a strange encounter

30 minutes later

"Makail can you check how much of this forest we have left." Hazel asked looking behind her at Makail.

"Yeah just give me a moment." Makail says before teleporting up above the trees and looking at all the trees that were ahead of them then teleports back done. There isn't much left and I thought there was more of this stuff but I think it started back there where the gorilla king is.

"Yeah I noticed that too." Hazel said cutting away another corruption patch.

"I think I am going to go check on the gorilla king see how they are doing." Makail said before starting to walk off.

"Okay see you either when you come back." Hazel said not taking her eyes off what she was doing. Makail then teleports to the area where the gorilla king was supposed to be but what was in place of them was a small girl laying down looking at the sky.

"Uh who are you?" Makail asked not knowing who they were.

"Oh, hi there don't you remember me." the little girl said sounding confused.

"No sadly I don't sorry." Makail said sounding sorry.

"Oh, I guess my appearance doesn't really help but I am the gorilla king but freed from my curse the." little girl said.

"Oh so what is your name now instead of gorilla king?" Makail asked sounding curious and a little taken back.

"I am Celeste the dryad." Celeste said proudly.

"Hello Celeste pleased to meet you." Makail said kindly.

"Same here but I do have two questions for you." Celeste said sounding serious

"Yes I'm open to any." Makail said watching what he said

"What is your guys names and why didn't you kill me are your saving this world." Celeste said with worry slightly in her voice

"I'm Makail and my friend is Hazel and I guess I am saving this world one person at a time." Makail answered worry also crawling into his voice.

"Well that's good to hear, I guess the next person you should go after is Thomas otherwise known as Okeanós in his current state." Celeste explained.

"So how will we bring him out since I am guessing that he lives in the ocean." Makail said.

"You'll need this and me." Celeste said with a slight blush on her face and with her hand extended with a light green fishing rod with a small fish on the end.

"I get the fishing rod but why do I need to bring you?" Makail asked with a questioning face.

"He'll trust you more and with me being there he will become normal." Celeste explained before slightly looking down and blushing even more.

"Why will he trust us more if you're around when we encounter him." Makail asked starting to notice Celeste blushing.

"It's because he's my well ..... Boyfriend." Celeste explained before going bright red and looking down.

"Oh, um celeste give me a sec i'm going to go grab my friend then we can go." Makail said before jumping off the platform they were gone.

"Why did I have to tell him why did I, I wonder what he is going to say to his friend I hope nothing bad." Celeste said to herself out of pure embarrassment.

"I'm back and with my friend." Makail said standing a little bit away from Celeste.

"That was faster than I thought it would be." Celeste said.

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