Chapter 20

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Chapter XX The exploration of the crosin

“Well we're here.” Makail said as they walked through the black doors.

“This is one dark place.” Hazel said.

“Yep it sure is.” Makail said.

“Well where should we look first?” Hazel asked looking around in fear but in amazement.

“I guess the alchemical room to see what he did in their then maybe his library then finally the portal.” Makail said while they walked through the dark corridor.

“Well where is this alchemical room?” Hazel asked looking in each room that they went by.

“Probably one with books and potions in it.” Makail said as they turned left and went down another.

“I found it.” Hazel said as she went into the room.

“Well this is one interesting room.” Makail said

“Agreed and what is this?” Hazel asked as she knelt down and touched the edge of the alchemy circle.

“I think this is what he used to make the weapons.” Makail explained while starting to look at the books in the room.

“Yeah you are probably right but why are you skimming all the books.” Hazel said walking over to him.

“I am trying to see what he made and how he made it and I think the answer deals with these books and that alchemy circle in the middle of this room.” Makail explained while skimming another book.

“Well have any of the books held the answer.” Hazel asked as she started looking over the contents on the table.

“No they are just simple one like how to make gold iron diamonds even cryolite ore but none dealing with that.” Makail explained while closing another book and putting it back then proceeded to pick up another.

“I think I found the book.” Hazel said while looking at a book on the table.

“Does it have the same symbols as the ones their.” Makail said putting the book away and pointing at the symbols on the ground.

“Yep, they sure do.” Hazel said taking the book off the table bringing it to Makail.

“What are these things that he used.” Hazel asked Makail?

“I wonder that to Hazel but I think they deal with the portal and the dimension it leads to.”

“Well I guess will be skipping the library for now and going there instead.” Hazel said putting the book back to where it originally was. They then both walked out of the room.

Drath Can you and Emerald stay were you at because we don’t know what this place may bring. Makail thought.

Yes we can do that and you have a fair point. Drath thought.

We'll be back before you even know it. Makail thought before he and Hazel started heading to the portal.

“Well Makail where do you think the portal maybe.” Hazel asked looking threw open doors seeing if anything looked like a portal of some kind.

“I would guess that it would be outside because when inactive it probably looks like an arch so Hildreth probably didn’t see the need to cover it but still had it as part of is base.” Makail explained.

“That makes a lot of sense so should we go outside and fly around.” Hazel suggested.

“Yeah, well let’s go do this but first we need to find an open room or the doorway.” Makail said.

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