Chapter 18

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Chapter XVIII The rebellion begins

When Makail woke he found himself in his room, then everything flashed back to him. He then looked out of his window and saw that it was around noon. Then he heard footsteps outside his door. Who is there Makail asked?

"It's me Hazel." Hazel said.

"Come in Hazel." Makail said looking at the window.

She opened the door and ran over to him, and hugged him.

"I am glad your safe." Hazel said quietly by Makail's ear.

"So am I." Makail said in a whisper.

"You got your sight didn't you." Hazel asked while stepping back a little.

"Yes I did." Makail said a bit a glee in his voice.

Hey Makail I see that you're up. Drath thought.

Yeah and who got me back here. Makail thought.

I was the one who got you back here but Hazel and Caden brought you back to your room. Drath thought.

Thank you but how long have I been out? Makail thought?

Ask Hazel. Drath thought.

"Hazel how long have I been out?" Makail asked?

"I believe two days, why." Hazel explained worry in her voice.

"I heard from Hildreth and Chaos themselves that they would attack in five days." Makail explained.

"When will this day be." Hazel asked worry and curiosity in her voice?

"Today is the fifth day." Makail said, "but I don't know if there back yet".

"What do we do?" Hazel asked sounding worried?

"We will tell Layden and I have an Idea." Makail said.

"Then let's do it." Hazel said with enthusiasm but still had worry in her voice.

"Makail can you tell me what happened while you were there? Hazel asked with worry weighing on her voice?

"All I did was wait in the room I was in and what I was waiting for was my sight to come back." Makail explained.

"Well what happened before Drath got you"? Hazel asked the worry not as present?

"All I remember was running until I reached the end of the plain of dragons then I passed out from exhaustion." Makail answered truthly hoping to lift Hazel's spirit.

They then started their walk to Linken's room.

When they got to the they found Linken talking to the other four counselors. When they walked up close enough to be in earshot they heard what they were talking about.

"We needed to let Hildreth come to us." suggested Gregory "since we are strongest where were familiar."

"We could combine our forces here and let him attack." David suggested.

"But wouldn't that mean if he beat's us here all the other places would fall like dominos

" Lloyd Explained.

"How about we attack him." Makail suggested.

"That is actually not too bad but could be added on to". Elrod said not at all surprised by Makail's sudden appearance.

"Why would we do that isn't that stupid" Gregory said.

"He could also expect it." said David.

"He could be in a different dimension." Makail said truthly.

"You do have a point." Elrod said.

"How about we combine both ideas." Hazel suggested.

"How would we do that?" Gregory asked annoyance in his voice from knowing that both his least favorite people were giving decent idea?

"Your academy and two other academy's can stay, while our academy and another can come with us." Hazel explained.

"I like your idea Haze lets do it but who is staying here." Linken asked?

"Me." said David and Gregory together then they looked at each other then they both smiled.

"Who is the final person that will be staying here?" Hazel asked?

"My academy will stay." Lloyd volunteered.

"Oh goody we have the peace maker staying this will be fun if he get's past you guys". Gregory said sounding unhappy and while frowning.

"Then it is settled." Makail said.

"When do we go." Linken asked?

In an hour. Drath thought.

"Are you sure Drath." asked Elrod?

Yes I am. Drath thought.


"Chaos how long have we been here." asked Hildreth aloud?

"At least fifty minutes almost an hour". Chaos said.

"WHAT, fifty minutes we need to get going and we already have what is needed." Hildreth said.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Chaos said?

"It has been five days in the real world we need to attack them because he could have gotten him." Hildreth said.

"Then let's go". Chaos said.

"Well give me a moment I have to make the portal home". Hildreth said.

"Well can you hurry because time is going as fast as sand in an hour grass." Chaos said quickly with worry in his voice

"Almost done with it an__."

"Hurry Hildreth."

"I am done Chaos now let's hope this thing doesn't explode or where in trouble". Hildreth said as he put the endstone in the middle of the portal frame with that it glowed and a fail of black swept over the area until it hit the boundaries of the frame.

"Well let's get going now". Chaos said before he jumped into the portal.


Is everyone ready to face Hildreth. Drath thought?

"Yes!" everyone exclaimed!

Then let's go. Drath thought. with that everyone got on their dragons and flew to the sky, except Drath and Makail.

Why did you volunteer to stay behind. Drath thought?

"I am a person that finds any other way to do something if it deals with violence." Lloyd said.

You are good person. Drath thought and with that Makail got on and took to the skies.

Good luck everyone. thought Lloyd let us win this battle.


When Hildreth and Chaos got out of the portal they saw that not much had changed when he had left.

"M-m-mm master." said Denier who came in front of him.

"Hello, can you tell me what has happened when I was gone." asked Hildreth ignorance in his voice.

"Makail got out and his scythe is gone." Denier explained.

"What!!" Hildreth exclaimed in outrage.

"We didn't think he would be able to since he couldn't see." explained Denier.

"Well he is going to get a surprise right Chaos." Hildreth said aloud.

Yes he is Chaos. thought.

Let's go to alchemical room thought Hildreth. It wasn't far from the portal. When he opened the door there was a table with some flasks and a big open circle in the center with writing on it. He walked over to it with a new piece of stone in his hand, so when he reached it he picked it up and placed the new stone down. Once he did that he grabbed a book on the table and flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for. It was the alchemical symbols to make Astatine. It was the hardest alchemical symbols Hildreth had done before. He then began drawing it with extremely high accuracy when he was done he stood back looking at his work.

"Chaos you ready to make the rarest metal known to man?" asked Hildreth?

Yes I am Chaos thought. Now then let's begin.

"Give me the soul of light and dark." Hildreth said.

Here you go Chaos thought.

He placed the Soul Of Light at the top of the circle and the Soul Of Dark on the bottom. Then he got the Souls of Corrupted and Desecrated. He put the Corrupted Soul on the right side and the Desecrated Soul on the left. He then grabbed the Dried Root and put it above and close to the center circle and the Fallen Leafs below and close to the center circle. He then got the Souls Of Fragments, Ender, resistance and Death. The Soul Of Fight in the top right corner, the Soul Of ight in the top left corner. The Soul Of right in the bottom right and the Soul Of gight in the bottom left corner. He then put the Lost Soul and the Demonic Dragon Scale together, once they touched it created a Demonic Dragon Soul. Once it formed he put it in the center and a purple light started glowing on the lines of the alchemical. Then the all the items started to spin to the center and with a flash of purple a giant ingot of Astatine was in the middle it was about twenty four inches.

"Here it is, what we needed to get rid of that dark dragon of legend." Hildreth said.

Finally we have it. Chaos thought

"You ready to begin the process of make what we need to defeat the dragon and our way to cut down anyone who defines us." Hildreth asked even though he knew the answer.

Yes I am yes I am. Chaos thought while chuckling lightly.


Makail, Drath, Hazel and many other people were close to were the beginning of Hildreth's domain began.

Here we are at beginning of Hildreth's domain. Drath thought.

"Let's go." said someone in the group and with that they began flying to his base faster than before.

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