Chapter 11

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Chapter XI when the battle comes

Makail woke up slowly until he heard people outside my door yelling. He had worked till dusk with his friends. Then they all agreed it was a good idea to turn in for the day.

"Hildreth's army is coming prepare the catapults." someone said.

"I thought the catapults were useless against his army." someone else said.

"Well there is a lot of dragons so they should bring the numbers down by a decent amount." said the first person

"I would agree with that." said the second person.

"READY THE CATAPULTS!!!!!!!!!" yelled someone outside Makail didn't know.

"Oh great there he goes again." the first person said then exhaled.

So Makail got his battle clothes on the put his boots on then his gloves then finally grabbed his helmet than he began to glow a dark purple. When it faded he was wearing black gloves and having both shirt and pants being black he also had a hood. When he checked for his things he realized he didn't have a helmet so he guessed it became apart of the other things. Then he felt the fabric and it felt the same and it still got hard on the impact like his armor would. Then he noticed a weight on his back and when he checked it was his scythe. It also still had the symbol. So he was puzzled but would ask Drath later. When he got to the ground which took a long time since he took the stairs since all the lifts were clogged up. So when he reach him Drath had thought up a plan.

"Hey Makail nice clothes how come you are not wearing armor" Brandon asked?

"Yeah where is your armor" Caden asked as well?

"I am but they changed to these after I grabbed my helmet" Makail explained.

"What are they like?" Holly asked?

"Comfortable but they protect me". Makail answered.

"Why do you say they protect you?" Caden asked?

"Well come and knock on my shoulder." Makail suggested

"Ok I will." Caden said sounding suspicious. He knocked gently thinking it would bite him but he did it 5 times harder than the last.

"Wow, it solidifies on contact protecting you from any sharp objects." Caden said letting the rest of the group know.

"Nifti right?" Makail asked?

"Yeah since it suits you too". Hazel said.

Hey Makail we kinda need to go since other riders have said that Hildreth is on his way and he doesn't look happy. Drath thought.

"So what are we going to do?" Makail asked?

We are going after him before he gets here. Drath thought.

I don't even think I am strong enough will be crushed immediately. Makail thought.

Would you like Innocent riders to die to him? Drath asked knowing the answer?

No so then let's go. Makail thought as he began saddling up.

"What are you doing?" asked Hazel and Brandon at the same time?

"I am going after Hildreth." Makail answered.

"But you might not survive." Hazel said.

"I know but I have to try." said Makail said.

"Well then go do your best." Brandon and Hazel said at the same time and laughed a little.

So with that they were off faster than ever and any enemy that got in there way was cut down. Then they were face to face with him, Hildreth and his dragon and they weren't joking.

Taking these guys out is easier than I thought, a little too easy. Makail thought

I agree they just seem to be flying dummies. Drath thought

Let's not worry about it now because we have company Makail thought

"Well looked who showed up to try and stop me oh I am so scared." said Hildreth said sarcastically.

"Well you should be" said Makail said.

"Why because you and your dragon haven't reached your full potential yet so how will you beat me with little punch's from a baby" said Hildreth said.

Then a blade so long it looked like it where two feet long and Makail barely missed it. Then he swung a second one the same length. So Makail brought out his scythe and started deflecting and attacking. Then a fireball so close it looked like it would burn him.

Is he scared of us? Makail thought.

Why do you think that thought? Drath thought?

He is using one in the images that I saw? Makail thought

Wait you never told me about these images where did you see them? Drath asked?

In a dream with them? Makail thought.

Well when was it? Drath asked?

Two night ago. Makail answered as quietly as anyone can in when speaking in your head.

Two nights why didn't you tell me? Drath asked sounding outraged?

It slipped my mind and you could have looked into my memories as well or what I was thinking, remember. Makail thought.

Let's talk about this later because we are in a life and death situation. Drath thought.

Agreed. Makail answered back.

Hildreth seemed to have stopped attacking for a bit of time know Drath thought.

Yeah I haven't had to block in a while. Makail thought as well.

When they looked in the direction he was when they last saw him. He was in pure confusion.

"What are you doing talking to your dragon in the middle of battle" Hildreth said aloud in absolute outrage. He then started throwing blow after blow after blow not letting Makail attack back.

This is insane. Makail thought.

I guess we made him mad and I guess he is just toying with us since his dragon is just giving me dirty looks. Drath thought.

Well that is weird. Makail thought.

Why do you say that? Drath asked?

Well when he showed his battles with other people Hildreth and his dragon cut them down in seconds. Makail answered.

I don't like this. Drath thought.

You think it's a trap? Makail asked?

I don't started Drath then out of nowhere Makail was hit with something hard and fiery. He was knocked out almost immediately. When Drath felt Makail fall off of him he was after him in an instance. The last thing either of them heard was, "He won't be doing anything for a while". Hahahahahaaaa.

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