Chapter 16

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Chapter XVI What is going on

When Hildreth had Makail brought down to the dungeon he paced back and forth wondering what he should do next. He then looked at his throne which was made of polished obsidian to give an evil looking shine around it was a dark gray dragon which was made of shadow metal, which he made himself by using dragon fire to melt it, in the position it was in it had it's feet and tail acting as stairs to his throne it also had its claws gripping on the armrests then at the top had a dragon's head which changed between a snarl a growl and a roar depending on his mood. The moment he was looking at it, it was in the shape of a roar. He kept inspecting it until he was content, then he continued to pace. What he didn't know was that Makail was planning on fighting back.


When Makail woke up he found himself on the floor which was cold and smooth. Then at that moment everything came back to him that had happened before he was put to sleep. He used a potion and more voodoo magic Makail thought to himself. Then he stood up and tapped and realized that the potion was messing with his ability so he felt around the place to see what situation he was in then he notice he could slightly see what was around him, at that he grinned at the possibilities that could happen. Drath and Hildreth wait for me because I am coming back Makail thought.


"Drath your back but where is Makail?" Layden asked.

Hildreth took him. Drath thought urgently.

"Are you not going after him." Hazel asked.

No I believe we should wait I have a funny feeling they have a surprise waiting to happen. Drath thought.

"You might be right." Linken said.

"Then what will we do while we wait?" Caden asked?

"We will train and wait." explained Linken.

"Hope nothing bad happens to him." Hazel said worry in here voice.

So do I. Drath thought.

"I don't want anything to happen to him." Holly said worry also in her voice.

I don't think any of us do. Drath said sadly.


"What do you think we should do Chaos." Hildreth said aloud.

We should wait since we have the bait set for him so that he will be riderless. Chaos thought.

"What if it fails and he is smarter than we think." Hildreth said.

Then in seven sunrises we will attack with our full force. Chaos thought.

"Then we have an agreement" Hildreth said.

Then the door creaked open. "What do you want" Hildreth said annoyance in his voice.

"The portal has opened m-m-m-master" said someone.

"Thank you for letting me know kreg, are you ready Chaos" Hildreth said with a smile on his face.

Yes I am Chaos thought with glee.

Good then let's go to the portal Hildreth thought still smiling.

The portal was a flaming dragon ouroboros and in the center of it was a purple substance swirling counter-clockwise swirling from the center.

What is this Portal Makail thought, is this where he got the voodoo magic from and even the potions.

Let it begin Hildreth said aloud.

With that they entered the portal.


Well here we are again Hildreth said.

Yes but remember time moves faster while we are gone Chaos said.

Yes so we will have to be quick in getting what is needed Hildreth said.

Do you remember the materials we need Chaos said?

Yes I know what materials we need but do you remember Hildreth said.

Yes I do Chaos said.

They had just entered the realm of Crosin .


Where they heck did they go I hope they take a while Makail thought.


How long are we supposed to wait Hazel asked?

As long as needed Drath thought.

Haven't you tried to reach him Caden asked?

Yes but It is not easy I have tried for a while now Drath thought.

We better hope you're right said someone from the shadows.

I trust Makail Linken I just trust him Drath thought.


Remember the first time we came here Chaos said?

Yes I do and how it had been seventy years once we came back that was fun said Hildreth aloud.

Yes it was Chaos said sarcastically.

They were in a forest with tall trees short ones here and there. What they had collected was Dried Roots, Fallen Leafs, and Lost Soul. What they still needed was Souls Of Light Dark Corrupted Desecrated Fight Ight Right and Gight. They also needed the Scale Of A Demonic Dragon. These should take at least a few minutes these days since they knew where to find them.

Here a soul of light Chaos said.

Here is also a soul of dark thought Hildreth well how convenient.


It had been thirty minutes where Chaos and Hildreth where but back where Makail was it had been three days so Makail had regain basicly all his sight only his peripheral was blurred so he then was able to gather some things around the room. What he found was some string lots of dust and a paper clip like piece of metal. He then used it when it was dark out and a lot of the guards were asleep since they thought he couldn't see. So he waited a bit then when everything was quiet he used the piece of metal to pick the lock which took a bit. Once he finally did open he slowly opened it then he ran to the nearest corner he ran around a bit but he finally found the forge which was huge it was like the size of the vault it was also quiet. He looked around the place until he saw a slight glint from the edge of his sight, he then ran to it and what he found was his scythe. Yes I found it Makail thought to himself. He then took it and ran around the fortress until he found the front it had a throne which was large and smelled of evil. He turned and ran out the door hiding in the shadows. He only attacked when spotted but they never uttered a sound. It took him what felt like hours but was only ten minutes. He then ran for a long time until he reached the beginning to the plain of dragons. This was at least a few miles but he used his scythe to give him a boost. This took him at least thirty minutes. Once he reached it he just dropped and fell asleep.


It was the beginning of the day when Drath woke up and thought to himself, he has reached the plain of dragons thought Drath. He stood up and Linken was standing in front of him.

You going to go and get him said Linken?

Yes I am Drath thought.

With that Drath walked out from the shadows and flapped his giant wings and went off.

What are Chaos and Hildreth trying to make? Will Makail and Drath be able to prepare for the attack?

Will they notice Makail and his scythe are gone? Will they succeed?

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