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Important Author's note! This chapter is in Alessio's POV and should be read as such (:     

           "I feel." Pietro muttered under his breath as he helped to carry the body. "That this." He shifted slightly to readjust the body. "Was a bit." In sync we lifted the body all at once onto the metal table. "Unnecessary." He finally sighed and patted his hands off on his pants.

"Give me the torch." I instructed blatantly ignoring his input.

Maybe killing the guy was a bit much, maybe. But that is what happens when you try to dip out on paying your debts. If Oscar was a real man he would have handled this himself, this was after all a debt owed to the Casino and no myself directly.

But what can I say, I was in a píss poor mood and the guy got lippy with me. To accept such disrespect in front of all of my men? What choice did I have?

So I'd killed the bástard, he should just be grateful it ended there. I could have easily tracked down his family and passed his debt onto him, but no, out of the kindness of my heart I'd offered him a respectful burial at sea and snapped his neck.

Siv handed me the blow torch and rolled the corpse onto his side with a grunt he moved the arms out away from the body, hands up.

Flames shot out of the torch as I set forth burning the hands to eliminate the finger prints. It had been quite some time since Pietro and I had worked clean up together. Typically, when we took care of someone with an outstanding debt it was a planned affair, and even more typically we had lower level men to clean up the mess.

I had acted out of rage tonight, I wouldn't admit it out loud, nor did I regret my overzealous assault. But yes, I did overreact. It was a bit unnecessary, but fȕck Pietro for suggesting that it was anyway.

I turned the torch off. There was nearly nothing left of his hands and the cuffs of his sleeve though we had pushed them up were danced with flames. I lit a cigar off of the flames and motioned for Siv to take over.

"I take it you haven't talked to Kate." Pietro said watching me with a certain level of amusement.

"I take it you still haven't gotten that sand out of that pȕssy of yours." I muttered back uninterestedly.

"You know what I think?" Siv said sounding almost chipper as he patted the flames down.

Pietro tossed him a bucket working in perfect sync Siv pulled the first tooth out and dropped it into the small bucket. "No." I said flatly. "You don't think. If you think that would imply you have a brain and if you had a brain you wouldn't have let Kate leave in the first place and if she hadn't left we wouldn't even have this problem."

"Hey now." Pietro cut in. "Let's not forget if someone had been a little more honest with Kate to begin with, she wouldn't have felt it necessary to run off."

I scoffed, loudly and Pietro chuckled. "Of course, Siv and Simone being fȕcking morons and letting her run off is still my fault. Hell, maybe it is for trusting them enough to begin with!" It was growing harder and harder to find good work these days.

"Now you know that's not what I meant. You should have been honest with her. You never had a problem being upfront with Ari."

I kicked a barrel onto its side and gave it another hard kick to send it rolling over to them. "That was different."

Chasing Stars - A Midnight Mafia NovelWhere stories live. Discover now