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I sucked in a large gasp of air and he fell on top of me, I would have yelped, but again the wind was knocked out of me. He was heavy, I coughed and wheezed and tried to push him off of me but he wasn't moving and if I was being honest, I was too weak to put up a big fight.

I was in a near frantic state when Nash kicked the corpse hard enough to roll him off of me. I rolled onto my side away from the body and wrapped my own hands around my throat coughing.

Nash pulled me to my feet and into him still coughing and gasping. "I've got you, you're okay, I've got you." He said and I felt him. Against me, his hand tight on the back of my neck holding me against him as if his life depended on it. The reality of the situation hit me as my adrenaline slowed and just as I was ready to start to cry hysterically he pulled away and turned his wrist so that he could inspect his watch.

"I-I was fine. I mean, I d-didn't need your help. I-" I started stammering my rage and distrust in Nash not willing to accept him as some sort of hero just like that.

"Here take this." He said handing me his gun.

"What?" I said even though I took it, my whole body was shaking. I almost died, and this gun had just killed someone. His blood was on me, all over me. "My dress-" I started to protest suddenly.

He bent down and picked up the other man's gun and tucked it into the back of his pants. "We've got less than two minutes, okay? You're going to use me as a hostage, I'm going to put my back to your chest, you're going to put one hand on my shoulder and the gun to my head." He talked quickly and in a hushed tone.

"I'm what? Nash have you lost your ever fȕcking mind?" I hissed.

"If they know I shot him then we're both dead. You need to use me as a hostage to get out of here."

"What if they shoot right through you?"

"They won't. And if they do I've got a vest on under this."

"Well it's nice that one of us does." I said with an eye roll.

"Can't you trust me on this one?" He groaned not knowing that no I certainly couldn't. At least, I wasn't sure. Yet. "Listen, they won't shoot. The last thing you want to do when getting messed up with this sort of shit is underestimating the loyalty they have for the family. They won't shoot through me, and they won't try to aggravate you into shooting me either."

"You're sure?"

"About seventy percent."

"Nash!" I gasped.

"Listen." He said hastily. "Point the gun to my head, they're going to run in and stop when they see you. Tell them if they don't put their guns down you'll shoot me. If they put their guns down we're in the clear. If they don't then just stay behind me as best as you can."

"O-okay." I stammered still rubbing my neck gently with one hand.

"If they lay their guns down tell them to kick them over to you. Tell them to empty their pockets and untuck their shirts too. You'd be surprised how many guns these people hide on their bodies sometimes and, shit, they're coming. Grab me."

Nash turned around so his back was against my chest and I put the gun to his temple.

"Do you know how to shoot a gun Kate?" Nash said and raised his hands submissively.

"Yes." I said in an uneven voice.

"Good, don't do it when you've got it against my head." He said in perfect calmness.

I nodded mutely and four men came around the corner. They all stopped immediately when they saw us and pointed their guns to us.

I turned my head in towards Nash so they couldn't see my lips moving. "Nash!" I hissed and tightened my grip on his shoulder.

Chasing Stars - A Midnight Mafia NovelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora