Chapter Forty

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                 I poked around the house for only a few minutes before giving up hope entirely of finding Alessio. There were too damn many rooms for this shit. I knocked on the surveillance room door and moments later Pietro opened it with heavy duty head headphones around his neck. "Ciao pasticcino."


"What's up?"

"Any clue where my boyfriend might have slipped off to?"

"His office of course."

"Of course."

"Hey Kate." He said quickly before I turned. "Knock before you go in. He tends to get a bit testy when he's working."

"As opposed to how he is the rest of the time?" I said and Pietro smiled. "Thanks."

I went the three doors down and hesitated at the door before opening. I knocked twice before popping my head in.

"Most people wait until they get a response before entering." Alessio muttered with his head low towards his desk. He was writing what I'm sure was very important things and didn't bother to glance up from his work.

"Ciao pasticcino." I repeated the greeting Pietro often granted me.

His pen stopped moving for a moment to soak in my words and then resumed writing. "Hello Katherine."

I waited for more for a few seconds before coming into the room and shutting the door slowly behind me, as silently as possible.

I should just do it. Pull the trigger. Things with us had been strained, we were finally on the right track. This was no doubt going to make things worse, but he had to know how serious I was about this. If we were going to be together we needed to make strides towards that. We both had to try for this and if we were as serious as I thought we were then this was important.

I sucked in a large breath. Fast like a band aid, I just needed to spit it out and get it over with. Here went everything.

"My father and uncle have Sunday dinners." I blurted out in a quick slur.


I waited for him to look up but he still didn't, pen didn't stop moving, he paused only for a moment only to turn the page in the large binder he was working out of and then continued. "I have called my father and informed him that I would be attending this week and I would be bringing my boyfriend."

"Have you another boyfriend I'm not aware of?"

" you."

"How unfortunate." He muttered.


"Yes. Unfortunate that's not going to happen."

"So what, I have to tell him I lied?"

"Tell him whatever you want. I would use the word mistaken, as lie is such an ugly word but no, I will not be attending."

"Alessio!" I groaned.

He made some sort of inaudible noise in response. He probably hadn't even made an attempt at making real words there. The asshole.

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