Chapter Forty-Three

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                "Kate-pie." Dad said coming up behind me and putting his hands on my shoulders. I was washing dishes and they were supposed to be having good conversation in the other room without killing each other.

"Yes Daddy." I replied while keeping my attention fully on the dishes.

"Can we please talk?"

"About what?"

"You know what." He hissed.

I dropped a dish into the rinsing water and turned around to face him. "I don't want to talk about it."

"He's a criminal Kate."

"Show me one count."


"One count Dad. Show me one count where Alessio has done something illegal. Anything illegal. Show me a parking ticket even and I'll go out there and shoot him in the foot myself. Anything. Go ahead." I crossed my arms over my chest and tapped my finger impatiently on my elbow.

"You know these guys keep their hands clean."

"So you can't prove anything?"
"He has everyone else do all his dirty work! Puts everyone else's neck on the chopping block and sits back and collects bank. He's scum. Ruins lives, but always comes out smelling like roses."

"You have avoided my question. Can you, or can you not prove he's done anything illegal? Ever?"

He frowned. "So you know?"

I turned back around to the sink and continued washing the dishes. "I know Alessio. That's all I need to know."

"He's a murderer! A liar! A thief! A criminal!"

"He's my boyfriend." I tried to keep my voice even but my chest was tightening.

"Don't say that. Don't you say that."

"He's my boyfriend Dad, my boyfriend and I love him." I had to talk loudly now to be heard over him repeating "Don't say it, don't you fȕcking say that."

Dad took a few steps backwards and in a low voice, shattered what was left of my heart. "Nicolo would be ashamed of you."

I forced my head up high as I pulled the rubber gloves off and set them on the edge of the sink. I walked out of the kitchen and into the room where Alessio and Sam were glaring at each other from behind a handful of playing cards.

"Got any fours?" Sam said sharply.

"Go fish." Alessio replied back equally angry. "Got and Kings?"

"Go fish. Got any threes?"

"Go fish." Alessio's stone cold face flickered to one of pure amusement suddenly. "Got any fours?" He taunted.

"You lying cheating son of a-"

"What?" Alessio feigned innocence. "I just picked it up."

"Alessio." I said still trying to sound firm through the pieces of my heart.

Alessio glanced up to me and stood abruptly. "What's wrong?"

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