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-----Important author's note at bottom!-----

                "What the fȕck was that all about?" Nash demanded as we drove off.

"You haven't been entirely honest with me." I shot back.


I didn't answer. We were both quiet for a few long minutes before he leaned forward in his seat.

"You aren't going to the police station are you?" He said sharply.


"Damn it Kate!" He smacked his hands off the dash. I glanced down to the center console we had closed to ensure both of our safety.

"How many guns do you have?"

"How many men were there?" He shot back and I frowned. After a few moments he sighed. "They aren't loaded. Remember you had me unload them? I only reloaded the one."

I believed him. "But you had two."

"The one I took from Rob was already loaded. I didn't have time to load the rest before you got back in the car."

I believed him again.

"What is this about Kate? I thought-"

"I don't care what you thought. I thought you were the good guy. I thought we were friends. But it turns out my first assumption was right." I turned to glare at him. "Wolf in sheep's clothing."

"Oh not this again. Kate. I'm not a wolf. I'm not the bad guy!"

I slammed on the brakes and he jerked forward. I wasn't even surprised that he wasn't wearing his seat belt. Some cop he was. "I have something for you." I said while glaring at him.

He glanced out the window and noted we were in a more desert area. "Is it a hand grenade? If so I've one of those for you as well." He reminded me.

"In the back seat. The manila folder." I tried to keep perfectly calm as I sat in my chair but my heart was thudding. How would Nash explain this one? I started driving again, tapping my finger on the steering wheel impatiently.

He glanced back, to me again, and then to the back. Assessing the situation. Finally he leaned over the center console and into the back to grab the folder. He resituated himself in the seat and glanced back to me one last time before opening the folder.

He was silent as he glanced through the photos. He hardly seemed concerned. He closed the folder after a few seconds and looked relieved. "That's what this is about?"

"Who do you really work for? Is Nash even your real name?"

"Of course it is. I work for the NYPD, I've already told you that."

"Then what the fȕck is this!" I yelled and motioned towards the folder. "Are you with the Bonnano or the bloody Gambino?"

"Get out of the car." He sighed.

"What?!" On instinct I pulled a hand away from the wheel and reached for the center console.

He put his hand on top of mine to prevent me from opening it. "I'd be damn surprised if your car wasn't bugged. Get out of the car."

I bit my lip. He was probably right. Alessio had bought me the Lexus. I knew it had a GPS in it, that much I didn't mind because it came equipped with it for the navigation system, but I had no clue if it was actually bugged or not. God I hoped not. "If it is we're both dead already." I said trying to remain firm. He was the one who had another two guns and a hand grenade stashed on him after all.

Chasing Stars - A Midnight Mafia NovelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя