This is really bad

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The wait is over!!!!!!

You and the others loaded the supplies on the ship, said your goodbyes and hopped aboard the ship. Leia was sad to see you go of course but she had confidence in you.

"Y/N! Come here!" Poe called from the piloting area.

You were making sure that the blasters were all secure. You walked over to a table behind Poe where Finn was sitting.

"Y/N, ready to go over this?" Finn pointed to the holographic map that BB-8 was displaying.

"Yeah, lets do this thing!" You  exclaimed excitedly. Finn pointed to a small planet on the map.

"They are there, I don't think they have any shields up so we should be able to get in with no problem. The difficult part," BB-8 zoomed the map into the planet to where you could see the enemy base, " is getting in there. Given this one looks very similar to the previous layout I think there should be a entry over here," he pointed to one of the far corners of the fortress," going in there we have about a seventy-nine percent chance of not being spotted."

You shrugged. "At least the percentage is on the higher end."

"We should be able to make it to the prisoners from there and back out." Finn finished explaining.

"Just tell me where to land and I'm good." Poe turned on the the

You and the group arrived on the planet in no time.

Poe landed in a clearing just a little ways from the fort.

"If we're not back by night leave." You told Poe.

"Deal." He grabbed your shoulders. "Stay safe." Poe wrapped his arms around you in a tight hug.

"I will." Poe  released his hug and sat back in the drivers seat with BB-8 following behind him.

You and Finn walked through the forest for a solid twenty minutes before finding the fortress. You held up a hand letting Finn know he needed to stop. You checked to make sure no storm troopers were out and about, there were none to be seen so you pointed forward and you and Finn both dashed to a small door on the side of the metal building. You turned the knob on the door and it opened, the smell of oil and rust wafted into your nose. You ignored the smell and kept moving. The halls were empty for a few corridors until you ran into a duo of storm troopers, there was no avoiding them so you and Finn shot them down instantly.

You continued on only running into a few storm troopers when you heard shouting.


"Leave us alone!"

You looked at Finn and then ran down the hall towards the voices, Finn followed.

Finn was quite a ways behind you so you slowed down. You could hear footsteps behind you, you assumed they were Finns, you turned around to talk to him but it wasn't Finn. There was a storm trooper behind you, you shot him in the chest. Suddenly the doors on either side of you shut, you tried to open them but they were stuck shut.

"Y/N!" You heard Finn yell your name from behind a door.

"Finn, go get the prisoners!" You shouted.

Y/N no! I'm going to get you out of there." You heard slamming on the door.

"Go!" You yelled.

You heard a door open, you turned towards it with your blaster prepared to fire.

"There is no one to save here." You looked at the man standing  just a few steps from you it was no other than Kylo Ren.

"What do you mean?" You asked pointing your blaster at him.

"Well since your already trapped I guess you can know. This was a trap, there are no prisoners here, well except you of course." The door shut and he circled you. He was fairly tall and very menacing when he was circling around you like that.

"Why do you want to capture me?" You asked, your finger was on the trigger of the gun now.

He brought his masked face close to yours. "That is classified." He stepped away and began pacing you found this as the perfect opportunity to attack. You pointed your gun at him and was about to pull the trigger when it was pulled from your hand to his all the way across the room. "Finn run, get out of here!" You didn't hear a response that means he either ran or was captured too.

"You won't need this." He threw your blaster to the ground and smashed it to pieces.

"What do you do now? Torture me? Just so you know you can't break me..." He was in front of you, he waved his hand in front of you and you lost consciousness. He caught you and hauled you off to god knows where.

I might post another chapter today, it's short though

Thanks for reading and remember to like and comment!

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