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You were heading to the food storage when you passed by a familiar room, you heard Kylo's voice from inside.

"She can't get the hang of telepathy." Ren said.

"It is not a priority." A familiar yet unfamiliar voice said.

"Yes, sir... She is growing quite strong very fast."

"Excellent. Now leave me be, I must think of our next move."

Next move, hmm? You thought.

You were standing inches from the door when it flung open, you fell backwards onto the ground trying to avoid being hit.

Ren jumped back. "Y/N!? Are you okay?" He held his hand out to help you up, you took his hand and he pulled you up.

"Think so, it was just a fall."

"Good. Now, what the hell were you doing behind that door?!"

You couldn't tell him you were snooping, not that it started as snooping it started as going to get food.

That's it! You thought

"I was going to get food." 

"Oh, mind if I join you?"He asked.

"I don't know, are you going to apologize for shooting a blaster at me?"

"Well... You see... The thing is-"

You cut him off. "If you won't apologize then no."

 You started off down the hall, Ren followed close behind. You made it in the elevator and tried to shut the doors, but he squeezed his way in. 

"I thought I told you no." You crossed your arms.

"You're not the boss of me, I can go get food at the same time as you if I want."

"Guess I'm not going to eat then."

"Y/N look, apologizing has never been my thing, but if I have to so you won't be all grumpy then fine. I'm sorry." He actually sounded sincere.

"Wow, you actually sounded sincere." 

"I have my moments." Ren shrugged.

"Fine lets go eat." The elevator opened and you and Ren walked out towards the food storage room.

Okay storytime...
I feel so freaking bad right now!!!! My older brother is laying on across the room on a bed crying because (keep in mind he hasn't seen the force awakens, also I feel so bad but its so funny the way he is mourning) I accidentally let it slip about Han, so here's how it went...
He told me that he saw somewhere that in the next movie Kylo Ren is gonna die and I was like NO JUST NO, and I was already in an emotional state and hearing that my husband was gonna die did not help so I started crying and I was telling him to shut up and he was like "He gets shot by Han" and I was just like "No you need to watch the movie" and he was like "Han dies doesn't he?" and I was just like "You need to watch the movie" and so he broke down and my favorite part is that he was quoting Hand from past movies. I think he hates Kylo now O.O

Should I feel bad right now? Because I couldn't stop laughing

Anywho moral of the story is...
Don't tell people who have seen a movie that their fav  from said movie will die if you haven't seen said movie yet and aren't ready for spoilers

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