Kylo Rens POV

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Ren swiped his feet and tripped her, she fell on top of him. He looked up at her and a small blush spread across his face. He quickly got up and regained his serious attitude.

"Be careful next time!" He shouted.

Holy shit she's attractive! Wait, no what are you thinking? you can't love her, or anyone, love is a distraction... He thought.

"Hey, that wouldn't have happened if you hadn't tripped me." Y/N put her hands on her hips.

"I was defending myself." He set his lightsaber down on a nearby table.

Y/N took her jacket off and threw it in a corner, she grasped her lightsaber with both hands and charged at Ren. He ducked and rolled to the side.

"What the hell?" Ren shouted.

"Training, stay alert." Y/N laughed.

Ren held his hand out and his lightsaber flew to his hand. He charged towards her, she held her lightsaber out defensively. Ren clashed his saber into hers. They were slashing at each other back and forth.

Y/N's lightsaber flew out of her hands, Ren kicked her in the chest, she fell over.

Ren looked at her. "You did well." He held his hand out and her saber flew to his hand, he handed it to her. "Tomorrow we'll work on your connection with the force." He walked away and set his saber on the table.

"Wait did you just compliment me?" Y/N got up.

"Maybe I did, what of it?" Ren grabbed a canteen of water on the table and started to drink it.

"You just don't seem like the type of person who says nice things to people."

He looked at her. "I'm not and if you tell anyone about this you're dead."

"Jeez, why so hostile?" Y/N sat down on a chair by the table, she grabbed another canteen from the table.

Ren fanned himself. He must have been warm considering he was wearing a sweatshirt.

"Just am." Ren pulled his sweatshirt off over his head. Y/N stared at him.

Just gonna end this chapter here because I'm cruel (I'm sorry)

Also, I feel like most of the chapters I write sound really sexual. I want to let it be clear THERE WILL BE NO SMUT IN THIS... the most that will happen is kissing and maybe a little bit of undressing, but if I do write a sex like scene it will be them making out or something then fade to morning, because 1) I feel really awkward posting something like that 2) I literally can't write those things it would turn out terrible trust me 3) MY MOM KNOWS ABOUT THIS THING! also I have like five people I know irl on here and one of them is my sister and she isn't even a teenager and if she stumbled across something like that on my account my mom would kill me

and don't get the idea that someone was bugging me for smut this isn't directed towards anyone I'm just putting it out there for future reference

Also the reason it doesn't say "You" when talking about Y/N is because this is Kylo's POV it will go back to normal in regular POVs (just incase it wasn't clear (also not directed at any comments just putting it up as an FYI))

Oh and another thing (I think the A/N is longer than the actual chapter lol) Kylo Ren will probably cuss A LOT because I imagine him having a terrible problem with that lol.

Anywho, may the force be with you and remeber to like and comment


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