That's Impossible

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My mom has told me to post another chapter so here it is...

You woke up in a room strapped to a vertical table like thing (like the one in the movie). You squirmed trying to break free but to no avail.

"You can't escape." You heard a familiar voice come from behind you.

"Show yourself, coward!" You slammed you arms against the table. He walked past you his cloak slightly brushing against your leg.

"I am no coward." Kylo Ren stated.

"Then why do you wear a mask? Only cowards hide." You could sense something radiating from him, you don't know how but you did. The thing radiating from him was regret.

You looked at him. "You regret something, don't you? You regret killing him, I can tell." Before you could say another word a beam of red was inches from your neck. Your breath quickened. He moved the lightsaber  away from your neck.

"Excuse me sir?" A storm trooper walked in from a door in front of you. Ren turned to him and suddenly the trooper was thrown down the hall.

"You really need to work on those anger issues." You said in a smug voice

"I wouldn't act so smug if I were in your position, I could kill you with one look." Ren  turned to you.

"But you won't, because you need me alive, don't you? But the question is why? Why do you need me? Am I bait, are you trying to get the general here, I wouldn't put it past you I mean you already finished half of the set you probably want to finish things off."

He started destroying a nearby control panel with his light saber. You could tell you ticked him off.

You froze, you thought he was menacing before but with that kind of irrational destruction he was terrifying.

He stopped, took a deep breath, and turned to you. "You know nothing do you?"

"What are you talking about?"

He turned and walked a few steps away then turned back to you. "You don't know? Did Leia not tell you?"

"Tell me what?" You looked at him. He didn't answer. "Tell me!"

"You, are very important, because you are like me."

"I am nothing like you! I wouldn't kill my family or innocent people! I don't throw people around when I get angry!"

"Maybe not but you are strong and like me," He walked up to you," You are force sensitive."

"That's impossible! There's no way."

"Are you certain of that?" He asked.

Truth is you weren't certain, you never met your parents you had no clue if you were, that would explain why your parents were killed or at least it gave you a theory. But he wouldn't have tried to capture you if you didn't have something he wanted.

"Fine maybe I am, but if I am then why don't you kill me? One less person to kill later."

"Because you are strong, we could use that strength here."

"You better kill me then, because I'll never join the first order. I'd never betray the resistance."

"You would really rather die than betray the resistance? Why?"

"Well I don't think this is something you can understand but they're my family and you don't turn your back on family."

"Maybe this will change your mind." He held his hand out like he was holding a cup, just then you felt an intense pressure on your throat. You made a gagging noise as you gasped for air. You knew this was his doing, growing up in the resistance you gained some knowledge of what the force can do.

You continued to gasp for air, you got light headed and things started to go black.

Ren sighed. The pressure on your throat disappeared and you gasped in all of the air you could.

Y/N is sassy XD
So um yeah I hope you guys like the whole Y/N being force sensitive because it will pay off in the end.

Thanks for reading and remember to like and comment.

May the force be with you

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