I know

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You were stuck in that hospital bed for another two days while you healed, Ren was by your side twenty-four seven. Even after you were allowed to leave the medical ward, Ren thought you would need someone to keep an eye on you so he decided he would check up on you every hour, he was right next door so it was easy.

Ren opened your bedroom door and you walked in, you sat on your bed and gripped your side. You flinched as you touched it. It was healing but it still hurt like hell, it almost always felt like it was burning. 

"Y/N, don't touch your side." He walked over to you.


He sighed. "Do you need anything?"

"Water maybe..." 

"You've got it." Ren left to get your water, you smiled at him as he left. When you get to know him he's actually a big sweetheart.

It took him about ten minutes before he got back, you were laying on your bed when he returned, it felt so good to be back in your own bed. This had begun to feel like a home though you did miss your friends.

When he did return he was holding two cups. He handed you one of them.

You sat up, you felt a small burning sensation in your side."Thanks." You took the cup and took a sip.

"It was no problem." He smiled at you.

"Are you smiling?" You asked.

"You make it seem like I'm physically incapable of smiling." He sat down beside you.

"I used to think so, but not anymore, you actually smile a lot."

"That's only because I met you." He kissed you. You dropped your cup on the floor out of surprise.

"Shit!" Ren exclaimed. " Sorry, Y/N. That was not how that was supposed to go."

You laughed. "It's fine, Ren." He rushed to clean up the mess.

After he finished cleaning he gave you the other cup. "Good thing I got two."

"I guess so."     

"You should get some rest." Ren said placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Okay." You laid slowly down on your bed trying not to hurt your side again. "Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Ren."

Your attempts at sleeping were futile, you sat there for a solid two hours trying to sleep when you finally gave up. You got up out of bed and wrapped a blanket around you. You headed over to Ren's door and knocked. 

(We interrupt this chapter for an author's note: what comes next will not end in smut I repeat it will not end in smut, there will only be cuddles and making out. that is all.)

The door opened to reveal Ren shirtless and with a massive case of bedhead. 

"Hey, what's up?" He asked combing his hair back with his hand. You looked at his chest and your face lit up red, you had only seen him shirtless once and damn was it nice.

"I can't sleep, thought I could come hang out with you, did I wake you?" You asked pulling the blanket over your head attempting to hide your blush.

"You did, but I don't mind. Come in." Ren opened the door a bit wider and you walked in.

His room was slightly bigger than yours, his bed was just a bit bigger than your twin sized one and was in the corner of the room with a bedside table next to it, he had a dresser close to the bed and a table in the corner opposite to the bed.

You sat down on his bed. "Wow, your bed is so comfortable." You said falling back onto it.

"Yeah, I suppose it is." He sat down beside you. "So why couldn't you sleep?" He asked.

"I guess there's just a lot going on in my mind right now." You said. You sat up and leaned your head on his shoulder.


"Well, I just got shot is one of them, and I guess it's just that a lot has been going on. I've just been feeling really nervous lately." You fell back onto a pillow, Ren did the same.

He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. "It's okay, I'll be with you through whatever troubles you." He kissed you on your forehead.

You wrapped your arms around him and looked up at him. He kissed you on the lips, you moved to on top of him. He wrapped his arms around your neck and you placed a hand on his chest. The kiss continued for a couple of minutes then you laid down on the bed beside him.

You turned to face him, he wrapped his arms around you. "I love you."You said.

"I know..."You punched him in the arm playfully. Ren kissed you on your forehead. "I love you too." He laid down on his back, you did the same. By the time both of you fell asleep Ren was still on his back but he had and arm around you and you were on your side and sort of had Ren in a death hold, both of your arms were around him and you had one leg over top of his.

You see that, no smut and no matter how much you ask this will not have smut ya dang perverts (Sorry but I just don't write smut) But I can write massive makeout sessions.

Also if I don't post a chapter for a few days that is because I have no other chapters to post (#Blamethewritersblock) but the next chapter/s are just gonna be fluffy Kylo Ren x Reader because this being a Kylo Ren X Reader I think it has lacked that so yeah...

And thank you all so much for reading this and liking and commenting all of your comments truly make my day! and thank you to everyone who have been saying that I'm great at writing.

I LOVE YOU GUYS AND Y'ALL ARE AWESOME!!! (That y'all back there was my country coming out, sorry lol )

Author-San <3

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