Let the fluffyness commence!

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Thanks, everyone who defended me when I said I don't write smut, I just feel like it would ruin the story and my family knows about this I don't want to scar my 12 year old sister and I don't think my mom wants her 15 year old writing smut.

You woke up to Ren trying to get out of the cuddling position you were in. You yawned and stretched your arm out which caused your side pain. 

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Ren asked as he walked over to his dresser and grabbed a sweatshirt. 

"Yeah, but it's fine. I guess it's revenge for me waking you last night." You laughed.

"Now I didn't mind that." He put the sweatshirt on. You got up and walked over to him.

"How does your side feel?" Ren asked.

"Like someone's holding a lightsaber to it all the time." You kissed him.

He broke the kiss. "Trust me I've been burned by a lightsaber and I highly doubt it's that bad."

"Fine not that bad but it's pretty bad." You hugged him.

He kissed your forehead. "Do you want breakfast?" 

"That would be wonderful."

"I'll be back then." Ren left to go get food.

He returned about a half an hour later with the food, he set it down on the table. "Bon apatite."

You sat down at the table and grabbed an apple. Ren sat down beside you.

" You are actually the best!" You exclaimed.

"I know." Ren smiled at you.

The two of you ate your food. Ren was staring at you.

"Why are you looking at me?" You asked.

"Because you're beautiful." He grabbed your hand and kissed it.

You smiled at him. He lightly squeezed your hand.

Once you finished breakfast the two of you just walked around the compound.

Ren continued to stare at you.

You smiled at him. He was fairly taller than you so you stood on your tiptoes and tried to kiss him, you failed. He laughed, picked you up, and kissed you. You smiled into the kiss.

You wrapped your arms around his him and nuzzled your face into his neck.

"I love you, Y/N." Ren said. You didn't hear him because you had fallen asleep. Ren carried you back to his room and laid you down on the bed letting you sleep.

Throughout the next week you sort of moved into Rens room, he didn't mind, it was actually his idea he said he wanted to be there to protect you if someone were to attack, like the resistance... You had thought about that a lot. Now that you were with Ren you didn't want to leave him. You had to think of what you would do if and when they arrived. You hoped maybe they wouldn't come to rescue you. Maybe if they came you could turn Ren to the light.

You sat in Rens bed, or should I say Ren and your bed, thinking about how all of this would unfold.

"You okay?" Ren laid down beside you.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Really?"He grabbed your hand. "Because you don't look okay."

"I've just got a lot on my mind." You sighed. 

Ren wrapped his arms around you."Sleep, it will clear your mind."

You nodded. "Yeah, okay." Ren kissed your forehead.

"Goodnight, Y/N."

"Goodnight, Ren."

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it was a little late.
But yeah if you thought this chapter sucked its cause it was a filler and I suck at writing fillers

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