The Real Story, Its A Little More Important

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   I woke up in the Poseidon cabin. (My mom had no cabin so Percy asked his dad, Poseidon, and asked if I could stay here, and(grudgingly) he said I could. Lucky me.) I was greeted by  Percy, even though he graduated he was a counselor; Amy, a sweet girl who would actually be my friend; and Tio, a boy who acted like I was his little sister, I guess i was, buy I really don't like his constant over protection. I groggily made my way to the bathroom and got freshened up to start a new day. My cabin was latter taken to breakfast and served a hearty meal. After we feed the fire we started to dig in. The harpies had made scrambled eggs, superb sausage, and amazing alliteration. J.K. on the last one, it was a beautiful, buttery stack of fluffy, golden stack of pan cakes. I wolfed down a pancake sandwich and chatted with my fellow siblings. We talked about the normal stuff; weather, disemboweling hell hounds, debating whose sward is shaper, and, my favorite,  who we are going to team up with during capture the flag.

   "We should team up with Athena's cabin of cores," squeaked the piercing voice of Amy, " but who else? Hermes has got a lot of campers still, and Hecate. She always has a trick up her sleeve."

   "She comes with baggage though. She is always with Are's cabin. Athena would never go with Ares," countered Tio . 

   "how about going with your usual companions," Percy suggested, coming up behind us.

   "He has a point. We always win," I pointed out.

   "Yah, but we almost lost to the lack of planning," another person came up to the table. Annabeth put her arms around Percy's waist. They proceeded with a peck on the lips before turning back to us. 

   "The Apollo near burst our eardrums with that faulty sonic arrow," Annabeth laughed, "Poor  Emily. This time we need a better plan.

   I chuckled and sighed, "Annabeth, don't you ever get board of those plans?"

We all cracked up getting a stern look from Annabeth. She  quickly walked away with a huff. We kept laughing.

    The rest of the day was easy, I didn't really break a sweat. The only problem was when I kind of kicked of a Ares camper and was challenged to a duel. It was hard at first, because of his brutal strength. After all these years Annabeth I knew, when I have a stronger  opponent, I must tire him and then make my move. It took about 20 minutes, but eventually I won and shamed Ares once again. It was a good warm up for Capture The Flag. 


Soon it was dark and Capture The Flag was on its way. The blue team, my team, was getting ready for another win. As the horn sounded I was swept into the woods. I was in charge of finding the flag alone and going back to home to bring the coronets. A search party would come for me if I wasn't back in 30 minutes. There where 7 other searchers doing the same job. I was running on the edge of the camp boundaries still searching. I came up with my torch. It had  been about 25 minutes, so I thought I would head back to say I was okay and come back latter. That is, until something caught my eye. A figure with ice-cold bright blue eyes and cloaked in black robes. Something drew me close to it and I obliged in a daze. Something in my subconscious told me this was an important part of me. My brain; how ever, was screaming at me to stop. I was wondering why it was getting colder in early August. Wow, understatement. When I say cold, I'm no chicken. I felt like it was so cold it was burning me. I was still waking toward the being, for some strange reason. I wanted to retreat, but my feet would not let me. It was like walking through molasses, I was taking baby steps, it seemed. I heard a rustle in the woods beside me. I turned to Percy. Thank the gods. I tried to call out, but I couldn't. I wanted to scream and run into his arms. I pulled in all of my will power to call a feeble, "Help."

    "Alison," he screamed, "Fight it. Come here."

    I wanted to obey,(for once in my life)but, I cant explain the feeling, I just couldn't. I was helpless. I hated to be helpless. Percy was running toward me at full speed. Then he was on his butt. He seemed to have hit a force field, that's the only I could think of. I was now only a few regular steeps away. Fear and unhappiness washed over. I looked a Percy who had a horrified expression on his face. I could see him yelling for help. A few more unsuspecting campers came into the clearing. They where rejected from a ten foot radius of me. They where all screaming at me.




I tried to break free from this spell. Finally, I was 3 or 4 inches from the hovering man. I was raised into the air and I lost it. Don't as what "it" is. I lost every thing, not literally, I had my cloths and my innards. I lost my breath, my happiness, my joy, my pride. I thought I would never be happy again. I thought I wouldn't breath again. My  life was being taken away from me. "I'm going to die, I will never see or thank Percy or Annabeth," I thought. I tried to look back once more. I saw Percy holding Annabeth. I noticed they where both in tears right before I slumped into the darkness.

 Ok, 1,000 words. I told you that I was going to make it longer. Anyways, Comment and Vote.

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Thank you and keep reading


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