Untitled Part 11

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"Pst, Albus, pst. Are you awake?"

"I am now thanks to you. What do you want?" he snorted.

"Information," I bluntly replied.   

 "About what?"

 "I met a foul creature, a hooded black, floating figure," I tried my best to describe the thing that attacked me.

"Dad," Albus called.

"Yes?" Harry came in.

"She's got a question"

"Thanks Albus," I said sarcastically.

"What is the question?"

I had to awnswer, "There was tis black hooded floating figure, I mearly wanted to find out what it is."

Harry's  face visibly whitened, "That is called a dementor, a soul sucker. Did you meet one?"

"well yes, but it was nothing."

"Are you shure?"

"Yah, just a small run in."

"Okay then, goodnight."

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  The next day would change my life forever, for the moment i stepped onto platform 9 3/4, i was a witch. Over the next year and a half, i was respected and liked by most every one. I had grown close to Albus, Lily, and James. I made good grades in most of my  classes. Iliked most of my teachers, exept for Snape. During the war with Voldomort, he was attacked by a snake and was left for death untill Harry found him and called Foux to him. The Phinux healed Snape and he has been a teacher ever since. My life was perfect, living in both of my worlds in the designated season and seeing faimily and friends. My life was kinnda normal. Normal up untill Cristmas Eve of my fourth year.

   So I brought back Snape, 'cause he's just cool. So keep reading and voting and please comment!

                                                                                               The Author

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