Puzzle Pieces

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I didn't stay at the feast for very long, I just retired early, claiming I was tired. They hadn't spoken a word to me since before licayon fought me, for they had barely even looked at me. I felt like an out cast. Would they say any thing to anyone else? But they share my secret? I decided to do the reasonable thing and go to Professor McGonagle. I got to the stone gargoyle I muttered words, lemon drop, In honor of the previous headmaster. When I reached the door, I knocked and heard a faint, 'enter.'
After I told her about my predicament, she told me to go get Albus, James, and Lily. Great, now I get to go face my fears. Reluctantly, I made my way down to the right hall to fetch them.
"Hey," I said sheepishly.
"Hey," Lily muttered.
"Professor McGonagle wants you to come in to our office with me, we have to talk," I explained, "You will then get a  full eplination of this hole mess."

    "So you lied to us," Lilly  cried. I had just finnished explaining everything.

"It was more of a bend of the truth, really. I honestly can't tell anyone about this, you only found out because Licayon decided to say, "merry Christmas, i'll try to pulverize you now."
"So you would keep lying to us if you had a chance," James yelled.
"Only for your protection!" I spat back at them.
"Enough!" the professor called over us, " Alison and you would be in danger, this is not to be spoken about with any one."
"So, who are you parents?" Albus spoke a question that shocked me, "Don't dimi gods have gods as parents?"
I almost snickered, "Only one of my parents are gods, my mom is mortal. I don't  know my other parent."

  "Oh," Lilly sighed, "Well, we'd better change that.
--------2 months latter----------------

   "Hey guys," I announced my self as I saw my 3 best friends in the common room, "I found a way to find my parent! I found a great potion that can help me."

   "That's great!" James spoke.

   "Can we help?" Albus asked.

   "Of Corse, but its going to be tricky," I warned.

   "Don't worry, tricky is my middle name!" Albus joked.

   "No it's not, it's Severus," Lilly corrected. We all snickered at Albus, who was now bright red.

   "Well, we'd better get started!" 

   So sorry for not updating for so long! Now that summer's here, I can finally write. Keep commenting, reading and voting! 

                                                                                                                                      The Author

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