The Burrow

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 Alison POV

   It's a fairly warm night, I thought as I walked down a street called Privet Drive. Could some one will help me figure out where I am. I decided that asking would be my best chance. I walked up to a house number 4. Number 4 Privet Drive, I wonder who would live there. I knocked. A plump middle aged man answered the door wearing a uniform that had the McDonalds logo on it. I tried to read the name tag, but of curse dyslexia said otherwise. The best I could manage reading was Duddly Dursley. I thought I must be seeing things cause' no one could have a name that bad.

  "Mum, we got a child at the door," he yelled through the house. A sickly skinny woman stepped in the view.

  "Can you he..."  "We don't do charity cases any more, shoo." and she slammed the door in my face. Great, alone in the streets of London. I started to make my way up onto another porch when a nice surprise greeted me. When I rang on the bell, it sounded like a kitten meowing.

  "Hello dear, what are you doing out here so late?" she asked.

   "I got lost," I answered simply.

   "Sweetheart," a man with curly red hair called, "We need to get to the house so we can pack for school." He emphasized the words PACK FOR SCHOOL, He knew who I was Thank the gods Hagrid had finally arrived.

   "Coming, Dad," the last part came pretty awkwardly to me 'cause I've never had a dad before.

   I ran up to Hagrid with a smile on my face.

   "So you must be the little run away. We've been looking for you for about five hours," he scolded.

   "I'm sorry, a giant came up to me in the ally way. Gods, giants are pure evil, I hate them, don't you Hagrid?"

   "Uh-oh, you think I'm Hagrid? No, no, no. The Giant was Hagrid. He is not pure evil and don't you go saying that to any other people!" he suddenly turned defensive, "Hagrid is game keeper and one of your teachers. My name is Charlie, Charlie Weasley."

  That was to much to proses at one time. All the thoughts where to much. I started to see black spots and became short of breath. I started to loose conciseness.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Charlies POV

 This kid had no idea what she was saying. Was she like Umbrige and hates all half human/half anything else? Great this was going to be hard to escort her. Lost in my thought I almost didn't here a thump on the ground behind me. 

"Alison? Alison?" I called her name hoping she would wake up at the sound  of her name. When I got under the protection of a bridge I apperated to the Burrow, mum would be able to help her.

  "Mum," I called with desperation in my voice.

   "What?" she called from upstairs, "Is it urgent, the hole family is here for the before school celebration."

  "Yah it kind of is very important," I panted bounding upstairs with Alison in my arms.

  I finally reached mum in the living room with the rest of the ginormous family.

  "This is Alison, a foreign student from America, I was walking with her and she just passed out," I explained.

Mum and the family also had a worried look, but all mum said was, "Put her in Albus' room."

so yah this is very fun and I hope this can be more of a routine!

                                                                                                           The Author    

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