Chapter 1

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 I slipped on my silver flats and took one last look in the mirror. My hair was in an elegant bun and my maroon dress barely touched the floor; my eyeliner was in perfect wings that had taken almost an hour to accomplish. I was nervous, since I was 15years old now, my dad had decided that I was finally old enough to attend one of Bruce Wayne's galas. My dad is a great friend of bruce seeing as they are the two most wealthy of gotham. Daddy said that bruce had 4 sons, three of which were adopted.

"Willow!" my dad called from downstairs, "The limo is here we need to go now."

I smiled and walked out of my room and down the stairs.

"Are you nervous?" my dad asked.

"Of course i'm nervous. i'm meeting tons of new and important people tonight. Do you think Bruce's sons will like me?"

"Willow, you're 15 and your still worried of what people think?"

"Daddy I can't help it."

"Im sure that they will like you. They are all very nice boys. Now that i think of it i think the youngest is around your age."

I nodded and stared out the window trying to calm my nerves.

I watched as we pulled up to a very extravagant looking manor. There were very elegant black gates and the house shone with perfection. The gates were opened and our car drove to the entrance of the house. our driver opened the door and I stepped out and my dad after me. I followed my dad through the crowds of fancy dressed people and into the ballroom. I could feel my anxiety spike as we walked through the crowds. My dad turned to me not noticing my nervousness. 

"Go walk around Willow make some friends!" he said enthusiastically. I nodded and walked away towards the edges of the crowds. People were dancing and laughing. I looked around observing the gorgeous decorations. A very kind man serving refreshments offered me a glass of water and I gladly excepted. Sipping my water, I walked around some more trying to avoid large crowds. I saw a few people that looked familiar, but i never talked to anyone. A slow song came on and i was perfectly content sipping my water against a wall until a boy about my age asked me to dance. At first i was surprised but I decided to agree. The boy took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He placed his hands around my waist and i placed mine on his shoulders. 

"The names Damian Wayne by the way."

"Nice to meet you Damian. My names Willow." 

"That's a pretty name."

"I -uh. Thanks, i guess" I blushed.

The boy laughed."I take it this is your first time here."

"Yeah," I smiled"Dad finally agreed  to let me come" 

"That explains why ive never seen you before."

"I guess it would."i said with a light hearted laugh.

"If you dont mind me asking? How old are you miss Willow"

"I dont mind. Im 15 as of last month."

"So we are the same age then. "

"Really?" I asked. 

His answer was cut by the end of the song.  

"Willow, would you like to come meet my dad?"

"Actually I have already met him."

"You have?" 

"Yeah! He is great friends with my dad."

"Well in that case i guess we could always check in with them so they aren't worried about us."

"You make a great point Damian."

Damian led me through the crowds and over to where Bruce and my dad was standing. 

"Hello father, Nice to see you to Mr. Jamison."

"Hello Damian. I see you have met Miss Willow." Bruce said with a smile. 

"Yes I have and may I say she is a great dancer."

I blushed hard and looked at the ground. My dad laughed along with Bruce. I herd my dads voice. 

"Well you two have fun." 

Damian grabbed my hand and led me out the front door.

"Where are we going Damian?" I asked. 

"You looked nervous inside the ballroom so i decide that you might like it better outside."

" Thank you Damian. It is much better out here. I don't really like large crowds of people."

"Im not one for large crowds either but father insists that I attend the galas and parties he has."

We were interupted by my phone buzzing in my purse. I got my phone out and looked at it. It was my friend Jazmine.

"Sorry Damian but I have to take this." He nods and i walk a few feet away and answer my phone. 


"Hey Wil its Jaz." her voice sounded urgent

"What is it" 

"Would you be mad if i told you I needed the assistance of Bluejay."

"Are you kidding me Jaz i am nowhere near the nest right now i am at a gala."

"Im sorry but we have a situation. Harley Quinn is terrorizing a local movie theater along with Ivy."

"Okay im on my way."

I hang up the phone and jog over to Damian.

"Im sorry Damian i have to go my friend needs me. See you later." 

I run down the walkway towards the small road we drove up to get here. I hope he doesn't think that i just ditched him. I texted my dad telling him that im going to assist Jazmine. he'll know what i mean. Without him i dont think it would be possible to be Bluejay.

I mess with my bracelet and pull up my hologram computer and call for my motorbike. I step of to the side of the road and change into my Bluejay costume that i had in my purse. as i was sliding on my black domino mask i stepped back onto the road as my motorbike arrived. I climbed on and headed to the nest.

A Bluejay And Her Robin {Damian Wayne}Where stories live. Discover now