Chapter 12

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We had Alfred come pick us up an hour before it ended and I texted my dad and said that I was staying with Bruce for the night. We were now sitting on the couch with Alfred and Bruce watching some movie that Bruce picked out. Damian had his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him and I was resting my head on his chest. I could hear his soft heart beat and it was comforting. I caught Bruce looking at us with a slight grin, something that was hard to imagine when you think of the things the man had done in his life. The movie was short and ended in less than an hour.

"I'm going to bed father. Do you mind walking up with me Willow?" Damian said standing up. I looked over at Bruce and he motioned for me to go. I smiled and followed Damian up the stairs.

"I have something I want to show you." He said.

"Sure what is it?"
I followed him to his room and he motioned for me to take a seat on the edge of his bed. He walked over to his closet and pulled out a beaten box.

"What's that?"

"It's what I want to show you. Here, open it."

I pulled the lid off of the box to find that it was full of photographs. I held one up and it was of Damian tied up and hanging upside down. Sonya was in her old Finch costume on the left side of him while Dick was taking a group selfie of them all. I laughed Damian looked ticked.

"Grayson has a fascination with photos. Todd thought that it would be a magnificent idea to buy him a camera so there is plenty more embarrassing photos in there." Damian said with a slight blush creeping up his neck.

When I looked at the next one I almost fell off the bed laughing. Damian was chasing after tim. Damian had a mustache drawn on his face with pink sharpie marker and baby bat was written across his head in Bexley's messy handwriting.

The next photo was adorable, Alfred must have taken it. Tim, Dick, Sonya, Bexley, Serenity, Jason, Bruce, Damian, and Layla were piled on the couch, asleep, with Damian and Layla in the middle. Damian was leaning against Jason and Layla was sitting, cradled, in Damian's lap. Sonya was laying against Dick who was leaning on Tim. Jason was leaning on Bruce and Serenity was laying her head in Jason's lap and laying across Bruce to do so. They looked so peaceful, Like one big happy family. You could tell that the picture was taken a while ago. It was starting to fade and Layla looked a a few years younger and the J carved into Jason's face stood out a lot more. I realised that Damian had bandages wrapped around his head and Tim had bandages wrapped up his arm and leg.

"What happened to you and tim in this picture."

He smiled. "Drake was jealous that I got a cat and he wasn't aloud to have a lizard."

"You guys fought over that?"
"In my defence I was Thirteen at the time."

"This was taken 3 years ago?"
" It doesn't seem that long ago but I guess it has been."

" You guys look really peaceful."

"I guess we do."

I picked up another picture. Damian was laying on the floor of his room asleep with Kitty and Titus curled around him. He couldn't have been any older than 12.

"Dick must be super stealthy to get all of these pictures without you knowing."
"He is but sometimes I think Todd and Pierce are the stealthiest."
"Why do you say that?"
"Every year on the anniversary of Jason's death the tires go missing on the batmobile, Bruce never catches them and the have done it every year since Todd came back."

"How do you know it's them then?"

"That's how Jason and Father found each other, he was stealing tires off the batmobile."

"Would bruce have figured out who is doing it by now then."
"I never said that Father didn't know who it was I just said that he has never caught them."

I smiled and handed the box back to Damian and went to get up to leave to go to my room.

"Do you mind staying?" He asked as my hand touched the doorknob.

"What?" I said turning around to face him.
"I'm allowing you to sleep in here if you want."

"Wont we get in trouble?"

"Todd says that when you're not alone the nightmares go away and I was just wanting to see if it was true. You don't have to stay if you don't want to." He said looking up at me.

"Of course I will stay if you want me too. You never told me that you have nightmares Damian."
" I've only told Todd but I think everyone knows. Quinzell gets really bad nightmares when Dick is away on a solo mission and she stays here. I get them a lot too, I've done bad things Willow." A tear slipped down Damian's cheek and he hurried to wipe it away but I tackled him in a hug.

"I'm here for you Damian. I will always be here for you."

We layed down and Damian pulled me close and pulled the covers around us. We fell asleep and for the first time in a long time, I felt safe.

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