Chapter 16

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During the car ride to the manor I planned out how my week was going to go

Monday: Last dance practice at home

Tuesday: State competition

Wednesday: State mandatory practice

Thursday: Flexibility testing with officials

Friday: State competition

Saturday: Free day

Sunday: Back Home

I was nervous.

Alfred pulled up to the manor and I jumped out of the car pulling my bags with me.

"In a rush Ms. Willow?" Alfred asked.

"Aren't I always? Is Jay and Ren here?"

"I believe they dropped Layla off an hour ago They are on a trip with Mr. Harper."

"Dammit Jay." I cursed under my breath.

"Did you need him for something?" Damian asked curiously.

" He promised me he would be with us to watch the competition." I said sadly.

"Well lets hope for his sake the mission is a short one."

I pushed open the door to the manor and instantly heard Timothy yelling into the phone.

" No no it has to be dark blue... No that's too dark.... I told you the colors of the Nightwing insignia.... Don't ask me why!.... You try having a hormonal woman scream at you.... Hell no i'm not the one getting married!.... Yes Yes that is perfect... have a nice day." The sound of Timothy slamming the phone into the receiver echoed through the hall.

I pushed open the door to the kitchen and Tim was sitting at the counter with his laptop open and the phone pulled over to him with the wire stretching across the room.

" Is Little Timmy stressed" I asked almost mockingly.

"Sonya is going to be the death of me." He sighed, resting his forehead on his hands.

"Speaking of Soni, where are they?" I asked taking a cookie off the plate by the oven.

"Dick is upstairs with Layla and Sonya is out shopping with Artemis and Miss M. Thank god for that too or i might have killed Sonya."

"You wouldn't have killed her." I said taking a bite out of my cookie. Hmmm, peanut butter!

"Okay I wouldn't have killed her but I would have seriously injured her."

"Whatever you say Timothy." I pushed open the door and ran upstairs to greet Dick and Layla.

When I pushed open the door to Dicks room the last thing I had expected to see was a little tea set set up in the middle of the room. Layla was on one side in a sparkly red dress and Dick was on the other side wearing a red tutu over his spandex Nightwing suit along with some pearls and some fabulously done red lipstick. Dick froze and looked at me with a nervous smile.

"It was all her idea!" He shouted pointing at Layla who giggled into her cardinal stuffed animal.

"Mmmhmm" I hummed raising one eyebrow.

"I swear!" he exclaimed.

"Whats all the commotion up here?" A voice walking down the hall called.

"Renity! Layla yelled as she pushed herself off of her chair and ran past me and out into the hall. She giggled loudly and realisation hit Dick hard.

"If Serenity's back that means-" He wasn't able to finish because he was cut off by Layla squealing out in the hall.

"Jay!" she squealed. Dick covered his face with his hands and groaned.

"I'm never going to live this down."

"Come look at Didi (Pronounced Dee-Dee)" Layla begged Jason and Serenity in the hall.

She pulled the two in by their fingers and Serenity absolutely lost it falling to her knees with laughter.

"Isnt he pretty?" Layla asked.

"Oh he's gorgeous Layla." Jason said with a smirk-like smile.

Layla turned to Dick with a stern expression.
"See I told you you looked pretty Didi. Now, Let's go show papaw Bruce and Dami."

"How about we not go show papaw Bruce and Dami." Dick reasoned as she tried to pull him out of his chair.

"Yeah Dick lets go show them!" Serenity said as she pulled Dick out of his chair with Jason's help.

" I'm so not feeling the aster." Dick groaned as he was dragged down the hall.


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