Chapter 18

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Jumping from rooftop to rooftop gave me this feeling like I was flying, it was amazing. I once asked Dick if he gets the same feeling. I got a response I will never forget. He told me that he prefered the feeling of falling. That always struck me as odd considering I knew his horrifying past. Then I realized something, he had never had the choice to avoid falling. Jumping from high places was one of the first things he was taught as Robin. He learned to love falling too.

The soft thud echoed behind me. Damian.

"Looks like you've finally made it Robin." I teased. He muttered something about Alfred limiting him to only one sword and I chuckled. A scream came from a few alleys down and Damian and I took of with a running leap towards the next building.

When we reached the alley we found four thugs cornering a young girl. She couldn't have been any older than 7. I gave Damian a silent countdown and we jumped landing in between the thugs and the girl. The thug directly in front of me a swift kick to the head before he even registered what was happening. His friend pulled a gun out and aimed it at me. Shit. He cocked it. I took a deep breath. If I moved he would shoot the girl or possibly Damian. I looked him in the eye.

"Heater." I whispered under my breath, praying that Damian had heard me.

"What did she say." The thug asked allowed. The familiar whistling of a batarang flying through the air registered in my ears. So he had heard me. I grinned as the tugs gun was knocked out of his hand and I sent him flying into the brick wall with a hard kick to the chest. Damian had taken down his thugs and was crouched beside the small girl. It was adorable. I crouched beside him and he filled me in on the details. The small girl's name was Melody and she was 6 years old.

"Why aren't you home?" I asked in a soft tone that Jason would refer to as my "Mother" voice.

"I-I ran away" Her voice was light and airy.

"Why?" I pushed.

" Mommy and Daddy are fighting again." She said sadly. I sent Damian a look that meant "What do we do now?" and he returned it with his "We better call Grayson." Look.

I looked back at the little girl. " Robin is going to call our friend Nightwing and he's going to come help us figure out what to do, okay?"

The small girl's eyes widened. "Please don't make me go back!"

"Why wouldn't you want to go back?"

"They fight all the time. When daddy leaves, Mommy drinks and then she's not nice anymore and when Daddy comes back he's not nice anymore either." Tears welled in her eyes but her voice was still steady. She has practiced not crying. My mind filled with scary thoughts of what her parents might do to her. We couldn't let her go back we just couldn't. Damian came back over and crouched beside me.

"He's on his way."


Melody eyed Damian with wide eyes.

"You're the boy from the news! You work with Batman!" she exclaimed excitedly.

"I am." Damian cracked a small smile. I registered the soft thud behind me. Melody's eyes widened and she grabbed tightly to Damian. His expression was priceless. I bit my cheek to avoid bursting into a laughing fit. Usually children would hide behind Dick not from him.

"You called?" Dick asked stepping out of the shadows. I left Damian with the girl and walked over to Dick.

"We found this girl," I motioned to Melody. "Her name is Melody and she's 6 years old."

"Why is she out here?"

"She ran away from home. She said that her parents were fighting and that they get 'Not nice' when this happens. She begged me not to take her back."

"You don't think her parents hurt her, do you?" His voice was coated with worry. I looked away. That's exactly what I thought and Dick knew it. He sighed and ran his hands threw his hair. "I'll message Finch and have her investigate." He sent all of the information we knew to Sonya and we waited for her voice to fill out earpieces.

In two minutes Sonya's voice filled my left ear.

"She is not going back."

Now Dicks voice.

"Why? What did you find?"

"Her full name is Melody Amelia Roscoh. Her parents are Sarah and Marcus Roscoh. Sarah has been arrested twice on the account of Child abuse 7 years ago. Sarah and Marcus have 2 other children, Selina and Maxton. Both of the children went missing 5 years ago and were found dead months later. Marcus is an alcoholic and was suspected of murdering his twin children. " The com was silent for a few seconds then Damian's voice filled the com for the first time tonight.

"Hell no she's not going back there!" Sonya snorted and the com crackled for a second.

"What do you think I was getting at lil' D?" She asked sarcastically.

"I don't think Bruce could handle any more children." Dick sighed.

"I wasn't implying that Bruce could adopt her." Sonya stated.

"Then what were you implying?"

"I was implying that we adopt her, Richard."

Dicks eyes went wide and his his face went chalk white. I couldn't imagine how he would react if Sonya told him she was pregnant. God that would be hilarious. To bad that time is probably farther away than I can hope for. Hell it took them forever to get engaged. At this pace she won't be pregnant until she's 40.

"Ummm... Hello?" Sonya's voice echoed in my ear.

Dick cleared his throat. "Uh sorry.... So you're suggesting we adopt her?"

"Well i certainly wasn't suggesting Timothy do it."

"Let's do it."
Sonya squealed and told us to bring her back to the cave so she could meet her. She also rambled about calling everyone and telling them to get their sorry arses back to the cave to meet her.

By the time we convinced Melody to get on my motor bike with me and got back to the cave, everyone had beat us there.

We climbed off our bikes and Dick placed Melody on his shoulders. She giggled happily and wrapped her arms loosely around his neck. Everyone stared at us. Clearly Sonya hadn't told everyone why they had to come back to the cave. Dick laughed nervously.

"Well this is Melody." He said motioning to the girl resting on his shoulder."Melody, this is Slightly Scary Family." She giggled and waved.

"Hi Slightly Scary Family."  

A Bluejay And Her Robin {Damian Wayne}Where stories live. Discover now