Chapter 11

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I don't even want to be here. Britney left me to go be with John Elagna and that was the highlight of my night. I wish Willow was here but I already messed that up. I can't do anything right. I should have taken Dicks advice and asked Willow out after we sang classic but I was a wimp and got scared. I Damian Bruce Wayne got scared over a girl and it was the stupidest thing i have ever done. She wouldn't even talk to me today and i don't even know what I did!


I walked anxiously up the stairs to the front of the school and pushed open the doors. Everyone was in the gym except the few couples making out against the lockers...Ew. I pushed open the doors to the gym and Your Found Me by the Fray filled my ears. It was just starting too. I scanned the room for Damian and finally found him standing in the corner by himself with a sad expression. I slowly made my way over to him when I was about 10 feet away he noticed me and his mouth parted a little. I looked at my feet and blushed. He walked up to me and grabbed my hand in his.

"You look stunning Willow." He said in awe.

"I don't know what to say Damian. Arent you with Britney?"

"She left me and it wasn't worth being with her in the first place."

" Dames you really upset me. I wouldnt be here if Ren hadnt forced me to go."

"Im so sorry Willow."

"I miss you Damian but I want the real you, not the fake you."

Photograph by Ed Sheeran blared in the speakers.

"Willow, let me make it up to. Dance with me, Please?"

"I don't know Dames."

He tugged my hand slightly and I followed him to the dance floor. He pulled me close to him and I clasped my hands behind his neck. He pulled me close with his hands clasped behind my back. Damian started to sing softly into my ear.

"When it gets herd, you know it can get hard sometimes."

I joined him. "It is the only thing that makes us feel alive."

We moved out feet in sync. I looked up at Damian and our eyes met and I felt butterflies in my stomach. His eyes were sparkling and his dimples made a rare appearance on his cheeks.

"What?" I asked softly.


"What about me?"

"You look stunning and I've never been able to hold you like this. It feels nice Willow. I get these feelings in my stomach when i'm by you and I don't know what they mean and I told Grayson and he just smiled at me then left. I feel really bad that i upset you and I promise that I won't do it again."

I looked at the floor "Damian, don't make promises that you can't keep."

I looked back up at him and a single tear ran down my cheek. "I'm sorry" i whispered.

Damian gently cupped my cheek with his left hand and wiped my tear away with his thumb. My heart sped up Damian leaned forward bringing out faces centimeters apart. My eyes fluttered closed as Damian's lips met mine and I melted into his kiss. It was soft and gentle. It was amazing. Damian pulled away slowly and had a scared expression on his face.

"Willow im so sorry, I should have asked but i wanted to do that so bad."

I stood on the tips of my toes and kissed his lips to show that I liked it. I never thought that i would see the day that Damian Wayne blushed but I guess I was wrong.


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