Chapter 1

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I was late for school again.

My sister turned off my alarm so I would be in a rush in the morning. Long story short, it worked.

"Leaving!" I heard my older sister Dennese shout from the front of the house.

Of course she hadn't given me a heads up.

I tugged on my shoes and threw on my backpack before sprinting out the front door and to her car.

She started pulling out of the driveway, but I caught the car handle and jumped inside before she could drive off.

I heard her mumble out a quiet, "Damn it," as she sped up, heading to our school.

"Can't believe I made it." I joked emptily, tying the shoe that I hadn't had time to properly put on.

"I can't either." She muttered.

I smirked. "You know, I don't think I've told you this, but you're my favorite sister."

I watched her glare at me out the corner of my eye. "I'm your only sister." She said, confusion evident in her voice.

I couldn't help but let a laugh escape my lips. "I know."

She slammed the brakes, causing me to hit my head against the window. "Ow! What the hell?"

"Get out, we're here."

I looked out the window and saw my most favorite place ever.


"That was really unnecessary you know?" I asked, rubbing circles into the side of my aching head.

"I don't care." She slammed the door behind her when she got out.

I let out a huff of air and adjusted my backpack on my shoulder.

Please don't notice me. Please don't notice me.

"Hey fag! How ya' doing? Didn't think I'd see you did you?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to look at the dark haired boy smirking back at me. Just my fucking luck.

"Hey Devon, how are you? That rash clearing up okay?" I tested boldly.

His eyes narrowed in on me as he took a step towards me. "What'd you say?"

"I said-"

"I know what you fucking said." He growled, balling the front of my shirt in his fist.

"Good, for a second there I thought you had hearing problems or something." I blatantly teased, not gaining a laugh from him.

He shoved me back, making me stumble to the ground. Thank god for my backpack.

"Look here you dyke, I don't want to beat your face in already, but you're leaving me no choice."

"It's not like you haven't done it a million times already." I retorted, gaining a painful kick to the side from him.

My responses were automatic. I couldn't help it. He was always giving me hell.

"You asked for this." He spat before sending another steel kick to my side. I groaned harshly in pain.

That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

I bit my lip to keep from screaming at him, and I could feel myself drawing blood. "I don't remember asking for that." I commented under my breath absentmindedly.

He heard me loud and clear.

"Oh, yes you did." He said, filling my ears with the agonizing sound of his laugh.

I moved to get up, but another shove back prevented me from doing so.

"Look, school hasn't even started yet, can't you save this for lunch?" I asked him while holding my side, trying not to think of the aching pain that was there.

He smiled evilly at me. "Sure, I'll give you half now, and half later."

I sat up and pushed myself away from him. "Or you could give me none now, and none later."

He took another step forward. "You-"

The bell rang.

Saved by the bell...

"Expect me later." He mumbled, giving me a final shove before storming off into the school.

I let out a sharp sigh and immediately regretted it, feeling my breath hitch in my throat and pain take over my side. I closed my eyes as I moved to get up, not in a rush to get to class.

Ignoring the comments swirling around me I made my way to class, not bothering to go to my locker knowing someone would break in and take my stuff again.

All year it's been shit. People haven't forgotten last year, and still don't hesitate to remind me of that. Especially Devon, he doesn't go a day without telling me his negative feelings toward me. Sometimes I wonder how things would be... if I wasn't so different. Would I want to be the same as everyone else? Would being the same be better?

I dragged my feet along the hallway floors as I went to class. The halls were nearly deserted by time I got to class. As I said before, I wasn't in a rush.

"Nice to finally have you miss Wilde." My teacher spoke looking at me, completely ignoring my busted lip.

I ignored him, and started to my seat in the back. Of course, not without being tripped on the way. I stumbled onto a girl's desk and let out a groan. The side of the table hit my fresh bruises.

"Ew, get off my desk you dyke! You're contaminating it." She spat, pushing me off of her desk.

I rolled my eyes at her and mumbled to myself. "Well, aren't you a bitch?"

The girl heard me. Why do they always hear me?

"What'd you say!?"

I looked at her coldly. "I didn't say anything." I had to bite back all the rude words I wanted to say to her.

She shifted uncomfortably in her chair and furrowed her eyebrows at me, keeping her lips pursed.

I slumped into my chair and pulled my ear buds out. The newly written words on my desk catching my attention.
Reading it made my heart grow heavy.

I guess it did still get to me.

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