Chapter 4

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I looked up from my book when I heard someone approach my table.

"I thought I was the one who's supposed to be sitting alone." She joked sitting down in front of me.

When I didn't laugh she let out a sigh. "Sorry, that was a—that was a stupid joke." she apologized, "I wasn't even trying to be funny.. I just wanted to lighten the mood, but uh.. it didn't seem to work."

I gave her a confused look. Why was she still trying to talk to me? Even after the fact that she saw everything go down in the hall.

"Look.. I'm not going to ask about the thing in the hall if you were thinking that." she said, waiting for me to say something... which I hadn't.

"Okay.. It's only my first day, but I get the feeling that you don't really like me."

I didn't answer her.

I did like her, but I just didn't find it a good idea to befriend her. She would only let me down in the end, just like everyone else. She'd talk me for one day and then avoid me the next week.

It's a never ending cycle.

"Do you want me to go? I mean, I can go eat lunch in the bathroom if you want me to." She asked quietly. "Cause that sounds fun."

When she realized I wasn't going to respond she grabbed her tray and moved to leave.

But before I even registered it, I reached out to grab her hand.

"You don't have to do that-" As soon as I realized I was holding onto her hand I let go, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "Sorry."

She sat back down."Why do you keep apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong Savannah."

I looked away from her eyes, unable to find an answer to her question.

"I know I'm just the new girl and all, but I'm not stupid okay? I know that you're not popular here, but I don't care. I'm not here to join the crowd and turn against you when I don't even know you." She told me, making me look up at her. "You don't know me either." She added, shrugging.

I was trying to figure her out. Why was she saying these things?

"I don't think you'll be saying the same when you figure it out." I said, knowing she probably wasn't going to like what my secret is. Not many people do.

"There's nothing wrong with a little mystery right?"

I didn't know what to say. Elan was making wanting to avoid her friendship hard. I'd only known her for three hours, and I could already tell she wasn't going to leave easily.

"I guess not."

She looked at the table, seeing that I didn't have a tray. "Not hungry?"

I shook my head. "I'm vegetarian."

She nodded. It was chili dog day, and I didn't plan on eating any of it. Well, that, and the fact that I just wasn't hungry.

"What're you reading?" She asked, taking notice of the book sitting open I'm front of me.

"Inferno by Eileen Myles.." I answered, hesitant. If she's ever heard of this book before, she probably knows a lot now.

"Oh... what's it about?" she asked, making me wish I could shrivel up and die in a hole.

"Uhm, it's about a girl in New York.. trying to find herself, meets a guy and falls in love.. just a cliche romance novel you know?" I told her, stretching the truth a little bit. Some of it was true.

She nodded, seeming to buy into my lie "I'll have to read it one day, I like clichés believe it or not."

I smiled, hoping that she wouldn't keep to what she said. If she looked up that book she'd know I lied, and probably know why, and know that I'm-

"Hi, are you Ellen Morrain?"

She looked at the girl who appeared at our table.

"Elan, pronounced E-lin, not that hard." She told the girl. "Continue."

The girl seemed to brush off her correction. "I'm Mandy, head of sports here at Lakeset High. We've been told that you did volleyball at your old school, so we would like to ask if you wanted to take part in our team.

Elan's eyebrows furrowed at the girl. "I played soccer."

Mandy giggled. "Silly me, would you like to join our soccer team? Tryouts are next week, so you're right on time." She said. "Would you like to know how to get a paper?"

Elan looked at me and then back at Mandy. "I guess."

She smiled at Elan. "Tryout sheets will be on the front office desk, as well as hung up in the hallway. Just snap a picture and you're good to go."

"Okay, I'll make sure to get one." Elan said, giving the girl a nod.

Mandy noticed my presence and looked at me then back at Elan. "If you don't have a table, you can sit with me and my friend over there." Mandy offered, giving Elan another fake smile.

Elan shook her head. "No thanks, I'm good right here."

Mandy stared daggers at me. "You sure?"


Mandy looked back at Elan. "Alright, but if you change your mind there are plenty of other tables you could sit at."

Elan nodded. "Got it."

Mandy sent me a forced smile before leaving.

"Well she seems nice." Elan said, sarcasm clear in her voice.

I let out a laugh. "Yeah, she sure is."

The lunch bell rang, and I closed my book before going to leave the cafeteria. Elan threw away her tray and began walking beside me to our next classes.

I still didn't understand how she was willing to continue being seen with me, despite all the warnings.

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