Chapter 17

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When morning came, I very much expected to be in my own bed upon waking up. That everything had been a passing dream and Elan and I hadn't kissed because it's not what we do.

But that isn't what I got.

Instead I woke up to a snoring Elan holding onto me as I came to. Her hand was curled around my wrist loosely as if she had tried to hold my hand while she slept. I wished that we could've stayed like that forever, but it wasn't the weekend. We still had to go to school.

"Elan..." I whispered softly, shaking her shoulder gently to wake her up. She didn't budge yet she stopped snoring.

"Elan, wake up. We gotta go to school." I said, trying again to shake her awake. I felt her hold on my wrist tighten for a split second before going slack again. There's some progress.

I tried something else. "Baby, wake up." Upon hearing this, Elan smiled lazily and opened her eyes to look at me.

"Did you just call me baby?" She asked, her voice husky and low. The sound of her morning voice made me wish that I could wake up beside her more often.

"I might've. Come on, we have school." I told her, pulling my wrist out of her hold and untangling myself from her before getting out of bed. She followed suit and went to her closet to get dressed.

Elan rubbed her eyes free of sleep and picked out her outfit while I grabbed my own clothes to put on. We got dressed in silence before grabbing our individual backpacks and starting out of the room. Sylvia had been the only one up early besides us and was fixing breakfast in the kitchen as we went in to grab a morning snack.

"Oh, you guys are up." She greeted us, grinning from ear to ear as if she knew something that we didn't. "I thought I'd have to wake you up myself seeing as when Elan is really comfortable she finds it hard to get out of bed even though she's a light sleeper." Sylvia said.

I didn't quite catch on when Elan and her shared a look after her comment, but when Elan shook her head and smiled to herself slightly I understood immediately. Sylvia had known we'd end up in the same bed regardless of how the sleeping arrangement was made. My cheeks lit up red at the realization.

"You girls want anything? I got toast and bacon made already." Sylvia said, gesturing to a plate on the counter. "I wasn't sure about what to cook you, Savannah." She explained apologetically.

I gave a wave of dismissal. "It's okay, toast is fine thank you."

Elan grabbed a piece of bacon from the plate and I picked up a slice of toast. While I spread jelly onto my bread, I watched from the corner of my eye as Sylvia whispered something into Elan's ear. I had to distract myself from all the possibilities of what Sylvia said and turned my full attention to my toast. I didn't need to be having any mental battles this early in the morning.

"Hey honey, how'd you sleep?" I heard Sylvia say causing me to turn around and see that Elan's mom had walked into the kitchen wearing a black pantsuit and her matching heels in hand. I assumed she was dressed for work.

Ellis smiled softly in response. "Probably just as good as Elan. I could hear her snoring from our room." She said before winking at her wife. The two women burst out into laughter at the comment and Elan and I shared a look of embarrassment. God, their teasing was something I'd have to get used to.

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