Chapter 18

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"H-Hi." I stuttered, a lump forming in my throat as I tried to comprehend why she was standing in front of me right now.

"Where you headed?" She asked, glancing over my shoulder and then back at me.

God, she looks so different...but definitely not in a bad way. Older, I guess. It's only been a year but I guess those summers really did their job — like it did a majority of teenagers. Her dark brown hair was lighter and straightened. She'd apparently gotten a tan since I last saw her, and her skin had cleared up a lot. I also didn't think her eyes could get any more green. I guess I was wrong.

She looked good. But why was she talking to me?

"What do you want, Kate?"

She scoffed. "I can't say hi without being questioned?"

"No, not when you haven't spoken to me in a year." I said curtly, moving to step past her.

She blocked me from walking away and folded her arms across her chest which effectively caught me off guard. I took a step back to regain the distance I desperately needed. Both mentally and physically.

"I need to talk to you." She said seriously, her voice low.

What is it now? First Danielle needed to speak to me and now Kate. What is going on? Is this some sort of twisted trick by the universe to make me think things are going to change?

That's some sick joke.

"Kate, why should I take the time out of my day to-"

"Savannah, come on just listen to me. I'm sorry about what happened at the party but that's in the past right?"

"You should ask practically anyone else that goes to this school that same question. I would love to hear their answers." I retorted. My patience with her was running extremely thin.

This must've hit a nerve for her because I could see something in her eyes change. Her entire expression softened. "I can't apologize enough, Savannah. God, I'm so sorry." She said. Her gaze locked onto mine and for a split second I believed that she was being honest.

"Savannah, is she bothering you?"

My head snapped towards the sound of the familiar voice and I felt my heart skip a beat.

"N-No, everything's fine." I answered quickly. I flashed a weak smile to Elan and turned around to face the first girl that managed to turn my world upside down. Albeit not in the same fashion.

"Class is about to start." I heard Elan say quietly—probably thinking I wasn't paying her any mind. But I knew she was studying me and Kate. I could sense it.

"Savannah, please. We'll talk after school maybe? I have to take a test during lunch." Kate said, taking a step towards me.

Elan stepped to stand in front of me and held a hand up to signal Kate to stop moving. "Talk about what?" She questioned, her eyes locked onto Kate's.

"Hi, Elan." Kate said, finally acknowledging her presence. "Nice to see you again, I hear you're fitting into the school quite nicely." She said with little enthusiasm. Whatever she needed to tell me would have to wait as long as Elan was around.

Elan eyed her up and down. "Yeah, I guess." She said, not oblivious to the annoyed look Kate was giving her. If anything...she was amused by it.

Kate turned her attention back to me. "I'll see you later?" She asked, a small smile playing on her lips. "Hopefully."

I almost returned the smile, but I didn't.

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