Chapter 10

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Elan wasn't at school the following Monday, but she did text me incessantly throughout her absence. I planned to visit her over the weekend but something kept me from taking that step. It was beyond embarrassing to see her parents after running away from their daughter moments before being taken to the hospital. It didn't seem right to show my face at their home like that.

It felt lonely without Elan there beside me. Just me and the texts she sent me, even without my reply. It felt like freshman year all over again. There were eyes watching my every move as I walked down the hall, unguarded. It was only then that I realized that Elan truly was my protection. I'd begun to depend on her and that was the exact issue that I wanted to avoid.

"Hey! Where's your girlfriend at?" A familiar voice called out behind me. Of course today would be the perfect day to do something.

I was armorless.

"Hey! Can you hear me?" He called out again, the voices in the hallways turning into hushed whispers.

I attempted to ignore him, but he didn't give up easily.

Devon made sure that my life was living hell. Elan no longer had to explain the situation from the track. I met Sylvia. Devon's sister and Elan's step-mother. It still didn't make complete sense to me as to why he hated Sylvia and Elan so much but at least I knew their relation. I could only wonder why Devon was such an asshole and Sylvia was the complete opposite.

Devon pushed me from behind causing me to stumble forward. I thankfully caught my balance and turned around to face him. "What do you want?" I snapped at him, my patience running thin.

"Where's dyke number two?" He questioned, sneaking glances over my shoulder and around the halls.

"Please, just leave me alone." I mumbled, feeling small in his presence.

He took my plea as an invitation to close the distance between us, placing a deadly grip around my arm as he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Don't worry, I won't have you today." He spoke menacingly, his voice low so that only I could hear him.

Chills ran down my spine.

He broke away from me and smiled devilishly before turning down the hallway, leaving me frozen in my spot.

I needed her here.

I needed her really bad.

The halls went back to their usual chaos, swallowing me whole in the midst of the commotion. I felt alone again.

It was if everything was burning down around me.

"Miss Wilde, am I putting you to sleep?"

I shook myself out of the trance I fell into and set my gaze on the teacher.

"No ma'am, I-I'm sorry," I apologized quietly.

My attention settled back on the lesson and I had caught up to our place when my focus was interrupted yet again by something thumping against the back of my chair. I glanced at the floor where it had fallen and shot a glare at the boy that threw it before leaning down to pick it up.

I flattened out the piece of paper to see a message scribbled onto it in poor handwriting.

Meet behind the school for a good time, bring your girlfriend.

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