Unexpected Versions!

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His six feet three inches long figure walked in. Nothing could have been told from his mixed expressions but he wasn't making any eye contact with me. Guilt, I supposed!

"What!?" I snapped impatiently after a brief silence.

"Please don't test my vulnerability, I beg you, I have to know about my sister. It's been a long time since my search for her started, it had all went in vain. Yesterday, you walked in my office, I was my usual me but after you told me that you knew something about my sister, the craving brother in me woke up and I couldn't handle the situation. Generally I am rude but yesterday I hadn't meant to be rude with you miss, just tell me already!?" Rohit said. Man! No would would have been able to reject that voice.

One thing I knew about Rohit then was that he was a hard and rash personality for the world but a soft and caring one for his sister, or maybe I should have said - late sister. God! I didn't wanted to be the person who informed him about the sourest and painful truth of his sister's death.

He kept staring at the floor, I said nothing. Actually I had no clue what to tell him.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO, DO YOU WANT ME TO DO THIS, WILL YOU TELL ME THEN!!" he yelled and went down on his knees.

Oh my God! What was he doing!! "Please get up, I am sorry!" I said.

He stayed in his position, doing nothing, saying nothing. I was worried if he was alright. And obviously, he wasn't.

I went back to my wardrobe and fished out the diary for him. I knew it wasn't the best idea but it was the only way to tell him everything that I knew about his sister.

"Here, take this." I said and extended the diary towards him. He gazed at me with confused pair of eyes. "It's her's, your Megha's. Read it. It has everything that I know about her." I said and left him to decide what he had to do with it. Afterall that diary did belong to him as he was the only true family she was left with after her maasi.

Rohit stood up, pulled a chair to sit and started reading. His expressions could tell me which part he was reading. It wasn't a diary with lot of pages to read, so I waited until he finished it!


How I wish I had him back!

God, I miss him so much. I miss Raj. I miss his company, his arms, his smile, his mischievously nonsensical talks and over everything I miss his love for me. It's almost a month now and the pain of separation is still unbearable. I haven't been eating properly, sleep is out of question. It serves me right doesn't it!? To lend my trust to someone who would smash it to pieces. Little did my heart know.

How could he do that to me, he knew I was coping up from my loneliness, still he dared to hurt me. Amika didn't deserve him, I did, but still he crossed all limits of my tolerance. However, it doesn't matter now, I would thank him for one thing though, after his betrayal I have learnt to stay strong and to live for myself. I won't bother at all to make friends ever again.

I hate Raj!

I hate Amika!

And I have the full right to..!

Maasi has some urgent work in Dehradun, she wants to stay with me but I have forced her to go. God knows how I am going to live these three days alone, but it's important, I have to come out of this! For maasi and for myself.


It's the second day without maasi and the silence has become deafening! I did some household chores and went out for a walk. I'm trying my best to avoid thinking about all this mess, but how far can I reach? How far can I run away from all this!?

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