The Bitter Night!

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Rohit was flipping through his buisness magazines, Amika kept staring out of the window, into the clouds and I was doing nothing but witnessing their actions since the past one hour in the plane. I was sitting between both of them.

I was nervous, very nervous about of what I was doing. I and Amika had planned that we would tell Rohit the truth before we met Raj. As that wouldn't complicate the situation any further. But Amika's worry was something different. She blamed herself for whatever had happened which wasn't at all practical. It wasn't her fault at all. I tried to explain it to her, but she was stuck with the guilt of a mistake she had never made.

I didn't realise when I dozed off on Rohit's shoulder, surprisingly he didn't wake me up and nor did it become awkward as Amika had been intently staring out of the window without any break.

Our flight landed safely on the grounds of Chennai. The mystery was entangling itself further and my curiosity had boosted even more. We hired a cab to a luxurious hotel, booked by Rohit ofcourse and occupied our three respective rooms, each of which was filled with it's own kind of worry!

Late that evening I slipped in Amika's room to check upon her. She hadn't unpacked her stuff nor had she eaten anything. I felt unsettled, I wondered if I hadn't dragged Megha's 'fate after death' till there, how would the three lives of the people related to her would have been going?

Rohit would had suppressed his love for his sister deep down in his heart and would had died with it. Amika's guilt would had gulped her alive and as far as Raj was concerned, well I was still to meet that guy. But I imagined him as good as dead.

If I ever met Megha I would tell her how wrong she was to think that she was alone when she had a caring brother, loving boyfriend and concerned best friend who had all died with her, I thought to myself.

Breaking my chain of thoughts I seated beside Amika. I smiled at her and she replied weakly.

"When should we leave?" I asked her.

She stiffened and the weak smile on her face vanished. She pulled her purse and fetched out a piece of paper from it.

"Take this!" she replied thrusting that paper in my hand. "This is Raj's address."

"Aren't you coming with us!?" I asked her politely. She nodded in denial.

I reached her hand and said- "Trust me. There's no harm in rebuilding an old friendship again. You both deserve it. Please come with us!" 

"I can't.." She started and tears sprung out of her eyes. I held her hand firmly and assured her "nothing will go wrong. You've trusted me so far, please do it once more."

"Yeah okay!" she wiped her tears off and stood up. "I'll better get freshened up. We'll finish it today."

Just then someone knocked the door and came in. It was Rohit.

"What now!?" He asked me impatiently.

"Um... Maybe we can visit Raj. He should know something about her." I said.

He's brow furrowed and he looked at me. "That Raj guy lives here?"

"Yes" I said.

"And why do you think that he'll know where Megha is?" He asked suspiciously.

"I don't know. Do you have a better option!?" I asked and contributed my bitterness to the conversation.

"Whatever! We meet him tommorow right?" He asked ignoring my question.

"Umm... Actually Amika wanted to.." I was saying but was interrupted.

"No no it's totally fine sir. I am kind of nervous myself. So we better visit him tommorow with fresh moods." Amika said as soon as she stepped out of the washroom.

Stolen! (EDITING)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora