Retrieved! (Epilogue)

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Mysterious POV:

With a heaving heart and a pounding chest, my eyes condensed a bulky tear. My grief, anxiety, joy and thankfulness were all clubbed in it.

"Her vitals are normal. She's responding to our treatment. I'm glad that we weren't late." The doctor said to me.

Even I was glad.

The green package that arrived at my doorstep at the last moment, having the exact amount which I needed, saved my wife's life.

I sunk to my knees in front of my idol, thanking the 'Well Wisher' who's help prevented my world from collapsing. The stranger who supported me when my family denied me help. I had to meet that person.

A few days later

I soflty tapped my wife's forehead and pulled the bedsheet till her neck. I made sure she was sleeping comfortably. I don't remember the last time she slept well after our son left the house. Nor do I recall watching her having a proper meal after he stopped talking to us.

It was since then that her immunity towards a healthy life detoriated and her blood invited diseases.

I clenched my fist tightly, none of our child turned out to be our shelter in our oldage. When his mother needed him, he left her. We were better childless than have such a son.

I regret whatever we did for him.

Just then the phone in the living room rung with its unpleasant tone. I hurried to attend it as I didn't want that to wake my wife.

"Hello?" I asked.

His voice itself ignited the anger in me.

"Not that it matters in least to you, but Megha is in Dehradun. She's fine and healthy, and my only family."

Then the line went dead.

I stared at the phone. He was right, I didn't care for that girl, not even a bit. She was and will always be a disgrace to our family. I slammed the phone back in its place.

But I froze in my place. Shocked. Stiff.

Did he just say Dehradun

I stumbled and reached for my desk. Reaching the last drawer I prayed to my soul that whatever I was thinking shouldn't be true.

I pulled out the green package and I went blue in guilt and horror. For the package said-

From a Well Wisher


Raj's POV:

"Come on now.... Let me in?" I barked at the closed door in front of me.

"Patience?" Megha's sweet voice came through it.

I crossed my hands to my chest and smiled to myself.

I felt warm and calm when I was near her. I recalled the way she stayed up all night when I was hospitalized. I blushed at the memory of the time when she softly pushed her fingers in my hair when she thought I was asleep when I wasn't.

I've had a hard realisation of a life without her and I don't intend to suffer that again while I'm breathing.

"Come in!" She said.

I pushed the knob open and walked in.

"You're so beautiful!" I placed my true opinion.

She turned crimson.

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