The Untold Tale!

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A shaky, unhealthy and skinny figure walked in.

"Oh my God! Raj?"Amika blurted out as she stood up.

Her reaction proved that Raj wasn't always that weak and lean, it was a result of recent events.

She walked upto Raj and hugged him. I adored the reunion of the two best friends, Raj responded to her hug and seemed to be a little motivated than a few seconds ago.

"You surprised me!" Raj said in a hoarse voice.

"I meant to!" Amika replied and unwrapped the embrace.

"It's good to see you, how have you been?" He asked.

"Well, alive till now," she replied dully.

"Has been a challenge for you to be a alive, huh!?" Raj asked. A little shadow of the humorous Raj that Megha had mentioned in her diary, was visible.

Amika nodded. I could tell she was holding back her tears.

"For me too. Don't worry we'll always accompany each other." Raj said and shared a quick side hug With Amika.

I cleared my throat, seeking Amika's attention towards the need of introductions.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry. Raj, this is Mira and this is Mr. Verma." She introduced.

Raj took no notice of my name, instead he flinched and his eyes jolted with surprise at the utterance of the word - Mr. Verma.

Just before the situation slipped out of hand, I held out my hand towards Raj, "Hi, nice to meet you Mr. Vardhan."

He shifted his gaze towards me and accepted my shake hand. "Pretty lady!" He said, though he was surely more interested in knowing about 'Mr. Verma.'

I elbowed Rohit. He held out his hand, "Hi I am Mr. Verma. I'm...." he paused. I shut my eyes close, imagining the possibilities of what could happen next.

"I'm Amika's boss," he said. Easy way out, huh! I thought.

"Oh! I'm Raj Vardhan! Pleasure to meet you sir!" Raj answered formally.

Soon the tea and breakfast was served. I noticed that none of the three were touching any of it, butterflies were agonizing my stomach, so I helped myself with the tea and a couple of biscuits.

Raj picked up the tea tray and offered it to Rohit. "Please sir!" He said. Gradually Rohit sipped the tea and Amika accompanied Raj in finishing the rest of the biscuits.

"Still your favorites! Those biscuits?"Amika asked Raj.

"Always." He answered playfully. 

So far it was going smooth, but I was sensing a big hurdle, I paid a glance at each one of them.

Raj was looking a little alive to have his best friend back but at the same time Amika reflected his past, her presence was definately making him uncomfortable but he was hiding it well.

Amika was in turn, trying her best to interact normally with her friend, her tears were on the edge but the happiness of Raj responding very well to her, was helping her to hold them back.

Whereas, the totally unfamiliar emotions were plaguing Rohit's expressions. He was confused, overwhelmed, nervous and alongside devastated. I raised my eye brows at him, he shook his head.

"Ra..Uh.. Mr. Vardhan?" Rohit stammered and broke a conversation, "We need to talk, privately." He added.

"Regarding what sir?" Raj asked politely, keeping his surprise out of his tone.

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