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One hour later Rohit came back to my room. Till then I had packed my stuff. "What time is my flight?" I asked him.
"It's at nine in the night." He said and handed me a paper with the details of my flight. Wait, it said two seats. Who else was coming with me?

"I am accompanying you." Rohit answered my unasked question, again.

"Why?" I asked. "I am somehow responsible for your safety miss." He said sternly and turned to his mobile.

"But you don't have to." I said, why was he doing all that? It was only making it difficult for me to leave him.

"Don't tell me what I have to do miss. No one tells me." Rohit answered in an angry tone. Woah, the rude buisnessman was back.

"Ohk." I replied softly. He was still busy with his mobile, he wasn't looking at me nor was he leaving my room.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat to draw his attention.

He heard it but didn't react. OK. That was enough. "Excuse me, if you are here, you talk to me, and if you don't want to, you better leave this room right now." I said, I was sure that would work on him.

But no, he stood up to leave. "Hey" I exclaimed. What!? Seriously? It meant that he didn't want to talk to me.

"I don't want to talk to you so I better leave." He said facing away from me.

I stood up and reached him, "What? Why? Did I do something?" I asked.

He didn't reply, instead he opened the door and left.

Okay, what was wrong with him. I was leaving that day and he was acting that way on our last day together. Hmm, something to be upset about, I thought.

I paid a quick glance at my watch, it announced one in the afternoon, I had plenty of time so I decided to doze off.


The intercom rung loudly. Oh no! I hated it, it always broke my restful sleep.

I dragged myself till the intercom alongwith my blanket and answered in my sleepy voice - "Yes?"

"Were you sleeping?" Rohit asked.

"Hmm... Yes and you broke my sweet sleep." I replied childishly.

"Your voice is so cute when it's sleepy." He said. That made my sleepy eyes jolt wide awake.

"What!?" I asked in my harsh tone.

"Ah! There you are, back to yourself." He sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes, and be ready we're going out for lunch." He was impossible. "No." I snapped and hung up.

First, he acts rudely, second, he acts as if he knows me well and third he acts like he posseses me. But he should know that I wasn't going to give in.

As expected I heard knocks on my door.

"Who's it!?" I screamed though I knew it was him.

"Eye hole miss." He replied.

I opened the door and saw that he had containers in his hand, what now!? I asked myself.

"You didn't seem to be interested in going out for lunch so I came in here." He said and smiled at me. "Up for Chinese?" He added and looked at the containers.

Then I had to ask- "Do you, by any chance, have a multiple personality disorder?"

He giggled and nodded. "Whatever," I said and allowed him inside.

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