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The baby, who would one day be the most important person in the realm, was fast asleep as his fate was decided above him.

He had been born three months, two days earlier. Three months and two days of furtive camouflaging and magical silencing whenever he opened his mouth to make a sound. Whether it was to cry what would have been big, bawling tears, or to laugh in delight at whatever amused him, it was always muffled soundless by his young mother waving her hands around frantically, faint purple sparks falling from her hands harmlessly all over him.

He liked those sparks. They were familiar to him and gave him comfort, even if they muted his voice for those few, short moments while she glanced nervously over her shoulder.

She was the only person he had seen until today. Had he known what was to come, he would have wished she was the only person he saw, ever.

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