Important Business

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"The Sanchez brothers and I are bound towards Earl Rochester's estate. If you wish to see the truth, meet us there. Yours, K."

Joshua stared in the disbelief at the crumpled paper that had been delivered to him through a scruffy boy in the early hours of the morning. She hadn't sealed or signed the note with anything more than an alphabet, but he knew who it was from. Her script was just as hurried and unrestrained as the rest of her.

"Damn it, Kasey." he swore, hurriedly pulling on his clothes. He'd been so sure they had come to an understanding last night and she wouldn't embark on half baked quests without him.

He should've known better. If he had had any sense he would have tied her to a chair where she was safe.

His brother's estate was two hours ride away, but he managed to cover it in a harrowing hour and sprinted off his horse, striding inside. He looked around. It appeared relatively calm. If anything, he in his dust streaked cloak seemed the most excitement the servants had had since morning, judging by their veiled stares.

The servants in the Rochester estate, as always, avoided his eyes. They had been privy to his sordid upbringing. No to mention too guilty of being sole viewers without having the power to intervene on his behalf. As a child, a maid here or a footman there would find him to press a treat in his hand after the Earl's wife lost her temper...but if found out, they were paid heavily for it, until Joshua had stopped talking to them altogether. Stopped inviting their empathy.

Now he could feel them watching whenever he visited, gauging. He despised if there was ever pity in any of their gazes. He threw back his shoulders, appearing as arrogant as it was possible for one man to be. They bowed out of his way, unable to meet his eyes. Just as well.

"My brother?" he asked a footman, his voice rough with impatience.

"He must be in the breakfast room, my lord."

He reached for the breakfast room to find the door firmly closed and frowned, twisting the handle and pushing. It stayed locked. He caught the look of a footman stationed near the door—the young man, who hadn't been around when Joshua was a child, blanched slightly in intimidation.

"Is it closed?" Joshua asked calmly, wondering if he really did appear as villainous as they said.

The boys eyes were wide, "Uh, its open, milord."

Joshua tried the door again, "Anyone in there?"

"No one, milord."

Just then, a crash ensued from inside. The footman's eyes widened in genuine surprise, and Joshua turned towards the door. "No one?" he enounced.

"I didn't see anyone go in, milord--"

There was another crash.

Joshua's eyes widened. "Ah, Damn it." he banged on the door, "Dick? Tony?" he bellowed, "Kasey, open the door." he demanded.

There were a few moments of ringing silence, and then the door clicked open. Joshua raised his brows at the uneasy looking  footman, then turned to the door. Tony had appeared, and he gestured him inside. Joshua scowled at him before complying. Tony promptly shut the door behind him.

"Now, listen here, Joshua, there's some important business going on... "

"What the hell are you up to now?" Joshua demanded, following Tony inside.

He stopped dead.

The Earl of Rochester sat pinned to a chair, a look of abject terror on his face, sputtering wordlessly. Dick stood behind him in a military stance, his hand folded behind his back. And Kasey...she was standing in front of the Earl wielding two pairs of knives in a combative posture, one of its points within a millimeter of the Earl's throat.

The Misplaced Prince[COMPLETE]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora