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"Please say yes."

The dull, monotonous voice sent chills down her spine.

"Please say yes."

Kasey dodged Nymra around her furniture, gooseflesh dotting her skin. She'd faced countless battles, but was something else, far more sinister than blood and strength. The Queen was feared to have evil that one could only imagine in their wildest nightmares...and Kasey was finally witnessing some of it: The Fae followed her like a ill fated puppet, face deadened of emotion, repeating the litany as her eyes blazed a poisoned foreign violet. "Please say yes."

She displayed evidence of Kasey's instinct to battle--her temple carried a nasty gash, a tooth had knocked loose sending a grotesque stream of blood over her lip, and Kasey was certain she had broken the usually delicate woman's arm in an initial attempt to fight her off.

The Queen cajoled through Nymras mouth for Kasey's permission with childlike persistence. She wanted her to be a vessel.

Kasey's first instinct was to fight, even if it killed her, rather than to allow for defeat--but the Queen struck in an unexpected manner: She didn't fight back.

Instead, the brutal, sadistic Queen let the delicate Nymra trickle back in each time a blow of Kasey's landed, and the Fae cried out in in surprised agony, sobbing helplessly under the assault.

Now Kasey resorted to evading her, trembling with fear, bracing with self preservation.

She had always thought she would revel in a day where she could wipe the ground with the Fae's smug face. She had thought she had hated those beautiful features, that smirking countenance. How petty those thoughts had been. Her insides now fair roiled with pain at what she had had to do to her--and would have to continue doing, if the Queen persisted.

The Queen must have expected this to affect Kasey, seeing a girl she had known since childhood suffering the brutal undeserved punishment. How she knew so much about Kasey boggled the mind, but Kasey didn't have time to ponder as the Fae followed her around, bleeding, deadened, her bloodied lips forming the awful words again and again, face tilting in innocent demand.

"Please say yes. Please say yes."

"No!" Kasey screamed. She was avoiding harming the Fae even as everything within her screamed to attack, but as the woman closed in, it was inevitable. She struck out, swiftly launching in bone crushing punch, scrambling away in the time it bought her.

Nymra cried out in pain. Kasey's heart thudded but she blocked out the devastating sound, sprinting in a blur. She had to get away--for both herself and the fae--but a sudden jerk sent her slamming to the ground. The Queen was dragging her inexorably back by the foot. Kasey fought, her reservation momentarily disappearing as she sent swift kicks into the Fae, one after another after another, her heart pounding with terror.

She succeeded in shaking Nymra off just as the Fae surfaced once more choking blood and gasping, her brown eyes fixed with pained disbelief at Kasey, who staggered back, shivering. "I'm so sorry!" Kasey moaned, trembling in agony, "I'm so--"

"P-Please--" Nymra stuttered weakly, begging, "Just k-kill m--"

Nymra froze gazing into her eyes, and a slow smile stretched her ruined lips just before violet leeched through the brown depths once more. She straightened, standing up on a leg that didn't look quite right--Kasey had broken it, she realized with a sick jolt. No normal person could stand with a leg turned that way.

"Please say yes." childlike voice thickened with blood, Nymra started for her, eyes opaquely violet, her limping gate carrying her forward on a twisted leg.

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