A Tempting Offer

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He could never comprehend the depth of her statement, Kasey thought. She felt Joshua's shadow shrouding her slim form as he quietly followed her out, probably musing her statement. She had just called him more noble than the most probable prince of her country, King Sebastian's grandson and the man she had hero-worshiped in her mind her whole life.

And she knew she wouldn't take those words back if she could. Because even though she couldn't claim to know the man behind her, she still knew deep down that he was more noble than most of the men surrounding them...and certainly a whole lot more noble than that bastard of a brother—

She almost moaned. Now she was mentally cursing their probable prince.

But Dick and Tony were right. How could she possibly respect such a Prince? Imagination had been one thing, but to deal with areal person was oh, so complicated.

Why couldn't Joshua have been...

She stalled her thoughts. She couldn't think that way, it would only make her more miserable. Especially considering the unholy excitement she had experienced thinking that he was the one—that they would take him with them—that there would be reason to be around him—

No. No, Kasey. He was off limits. He was human.

Human,Kasey thought with a bitter smile. Her whole life she had grown up almost considering the word a curse, after knowing how Princess Lily's dalliance with a human had affected royal family, and now she hadn't ever felt so stupid. A human for the throne—for a dalliance—would be infinitely more preferable than that—that--

Stop! She thought internally. He might be their prince. She had to learn to respect him.

No. She couldn't.

Oh God.

"Lady Kasey?"

She stopped. They had entered a dark alley behind the club, and she didn't miss how Joshua had widened his stance behind her protectively, subtly glancing around to gauge for threats. Oh, he didn't make it obvious that he was protecting her, would probably deny if she mentioned it, but she knew.

"Or should I say Princess?" he drawled with a skeptical smile.

She looked at him. Her innards were churning with a sick feeling after discovering the source of the Kohl magic, and he looked like an inhumanly beautiful distraction just then.

"What parts of me?"

He looked at her questioningly.

"What parts of me give me away for being a woman?" she demanded, then explained, "No one but you has really picked up on it, you know. I've disguised myself multiple times." she boasted.

He slowly smiled. She felt thrilled to have evoked such an emotion. He was such a reserved man that the slightest emotion from him transformed him in its honestly.

"I happen to be quite skilled at picking clues." he said smoothly.

"Oh." she tried not to show her disappointment, and continued walking. Why did she want to have femininity all of a sudden she couldn't fathom.

Alright,she glanced at Joshua. She could fathom it. But it was insanity and had to stop!

"However," he continued lightly, "I cant really claim any genius this time. Your disguise was terrible."

She gasped, turning around to playfully glare at him, "I advise you continue with caution, Joshua Dashwood."

"You've got the most unmanly hair. Too long and...vibrant."

The Misplaced Prince[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now