Epilogue...The Beginning Of Another Chapter

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"My Queen..."

It may have been several minutes before the whispered voice broke through her hypnosis, her vision through a distant vessel fading until her surroundings solidified to her eyes in a swaying shimmer. Taking a measured breath, the Queen regarded the woman in front of her with a graceful turn of her neck. 

More faery than human, the slender woman with the long silver hair had been raised specifically for the task of being her vessel, and yet she still cowered in the presence of her one true Queen, her slim neck down bent, the fine tremors racing through her body evident despite her forcefully rigid stance. She was afraid, the Queen reflected idly, not that it mattered. She was a good vessel, and soon, she would be one of her most useful.

"Approach, child."

An innocently fineboned face lifted, and attempting to appear brave, the young woman walked towards her. Her slim form swayed in a flowing white gown, bony hands coming together respectfully, yet coiling so tightly the tendons stood taut. She stayed unmoving as the Queen raised a hand, running a thin finger over her soft cheeks.

"You will do."

"Th-thank you, my Queen." the vessel lowered intense  violet eyes demurely, but the Queen knew it was in an attempt to hide her own cowardice. She allowed it, for she had personally made sure this vessel would be up to the task. As for her fear...well, they all quaked a little in wake of her power. She could take control of their fate at the blink of an eye. They could hide nothing from her.

She smiled slowly. "Beautiful. And eyes that don't reveal my possession."

"Yes, my Queen." 

The vessel had been retrieved from an equally beautiful mother, with equally impassioned violet eyes, who had refused to herself be a vessel until she had been driven to insanity. It had been well worth the wait to see her child now as a woman, awaiting her task demurely as her mother had refused to, "You know what you are to do."

The vessel nodded mutely. The Queen looked around leisurely. "The humans gear up, spurred by a ridiculous passion. They wouldn't expect you."

"I hear they found the b-book, my Queen." the vessel dared to murmur.

The Queen smiled viciously, "They may have the book, but I still possess something that may devastate them. Knowledge. They have a Prince they do not yet know." her eyes narrowed, "Who does not yet know himself."

There was silence for a few moments, and then the vessel murmured again.

"Speak up, child."

She became a deathly pale, her gaze darting around, before whispering, "Is is true what they say, my Queen? About...about your child?"

The Queen was impressed, even as her eyes flared at the insolence. The vessel was a strong woman, indeed. She had chosen well.

"What do they say?" she asked softly.

The vessel swallowed, forced to answer a direct question. "There was...generations ago...a curse upon the royal family. That any ch-child that's born...any male child...shall be devoid of anything that makes us...us." the girl swallowed, her tongue thick in her mouth. Momentarily the queen was tempted to show her a  taste of her wrath...but considering the important mission she had for the girl, she let it go.

"It is true."

The vessels eyes widened in shock before she hastily bowed her head in subservience.

"That is why you didn't want us to hurt...him." the vessel whispered, unable to say the name.

"The people don't know," the Queen said in satisfaction, lounging back. Her eyes dissolved from an intense feral gold to a mirrored silver as she allowed her consciousness to dissolve into another vessel, her residual sentence fading behind her, "They think they have their long awaited Prince. Grandson to the Kohl bloodline. What they don't know...that he is to mine as well."


Hi, guys. So i planned for this to be the epilogue as I was writing the story, but unfortunately I was a bit rushed writing the end of this book and left it out even though I knew it was important. I would love to rewrite the  last half of the book to do it justice. 

As for what the Queen revealed...well, it's why she yells 'No!' when her arrow pierces Shrader (a 'No' that mirrors Shrader because Joshua was the intended victim), or appears agitated when he's about to find her and Kasey. She might not love him, but he's her son. I did try to leave some hints in the book, but nothing too obvious. (more details on that in the future book).

I will write a second book someday. I already know several things about it, but I want to do it justice. Thank you for reading!

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