Part Two: The Endlands

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Blazing fire streamed all around the powerful man, light gleaming off his sweat slicked skin. The fire was one with the man, transforming from a whip to a blazing inferno all with the ease of an afterthought, and shooting off as big consuming fireballs with the slightest gesture. But fire wasn't the only thing the man commanded--his fighting skills were impeccable, and with each jab, punch, kick, not only fire danced around him but his enemies.

Not the opponent before him today, however. For fighting King Sebastian was the best soldier in the realm. One of the rare pure humans, Shrader Sanchez was a herculean force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. He was the only one who could withstand the kings inferno--and best him, if need be. His weapon gleamed in the blazing light, an old broadsword forged by ancient smithfaeries and strengthened by years of war, clanging as he fought the king.

It was a hair raising battle, a true spectacle for the soldiers to watch and cheer and aspire to emulate.

"Halt!" King Sebastian called finally, and the fire died down around him. Shrader lowered his sword, and the men faced each other.

The king with his dark black hair and graceful beard, was a regal image despite the bruises and blood marring his skin. His blue eyes blazed in his face, reflecting all the strength and passion with which he held his realm together.

In front of him, Shrader Sanchez would have made a picture too ridiculously handsome to be any real threat to someone who didn't know him. A man of thirty five, he was tall, with lean sinewy muscles and spry build. His head was a crown of hair so golden it seemed tipped with light, dripping over a strong brow. Thick slashes of eyebrows framed full lashes and intense gold eyes, and a strong nose led down to a broad mouth. A golden beard started from his sideburns and ran down to his jaw and chin, but the attempt on his part to hide his God given beauty merely enhanced his spectacular bone structure.

Many who had knowledge of myths and lore had liked him to Askhar, the male Diety of fertility the ancient and faeries worshipped. Humans had whispered about his likeness to some Adonis. His presence drew eyes and whispers of admiration, and once people knew who he was, awe.

A mere human by birth, he had honed himself to be the most dangerous soldier in the realm. And he wasn't letting anyone forget it any time soon.

"I propose a truce." King Sebastian said wryly as a soldier fetched him a towel, "It doesn't look like either of us will win any time soon."

"A truce." Shrader crooked a brow gracefully in assent. His sword made a sharp twang as it was deftly inserted in its scabbard, "One day, you might fight me without the fire, my lord. We'll see who wins then." His lip curled slightly.

Sebastian chuckled, amused, "We all use what's given to us, do we not?"

"That we do." Shrader assented mildly, "Shall I go train my soldiers, if you're satisfied?"

"No." King Sebastian gestured towards the door, "I have a matter to discuss with you, Sanchez."

"I expected so." Shrader murmured, and followed the king out the door. He gestured his soldiers to get back to practice with a jerk of his head on the way out.

"Wine?" the king offered.

"I don't drink." Shrader murmured, "You know that."

"Ah...right. Which bastard of yours was it that you fathered under the influence?" Sebastian chuckled. Shrader didn't smile.

"They have names, Sebastian." he said softly, all pretense of respect dropping in the privacy of the hall.

"Tony and Dick, was it?" Sebastian chuckled, "Drop the threatening stance. I'm just jesting with you."

"I would be more amused if you didn't call my sons bastards while doing it." Shrader said irritably. They took a seat at the table, "Well?" he questioned, ignoring the wine the king poured him.

"I have news from the earthen realm."

Shrader tensed slightly, looking intently at the King.

"They're fine, don't worry. Those sons of yours."

Shrader nodded in acknowledgement. "And the quest?"

The king gave him a measured look. "They're returning."

Shrader looked away, "Did they find him then?" he asked carefully.

Sebastian took a sip of wine, "I dare not hope. But that's what they seem to think."

"It's probably another bunch of unlucky bastards like the hundreds of others our armies dragged back here, in  hopes they may be your grandson." Shrader said dispassionately.

Sebastian nodded grimly, "I agree. I lost hope in this quest long ago, but my ward insisted on having her chance to search. But it's futile. Our men would be better used to protect the kingdom." his fingers tightened on the stem of the crystal, "I just need to figure out a way to coerce those faery bastards to give up my grandson."

Shrader nodded in agreement. "Is that all?"

Sebastian looked at him, "You will oversee these new prospects, like before. Weed them out for potential."

Shrader scowled, "I thought I said that last time, Sebastian. I'm done sifting through your potential grandsons. Our war--the soldiers--they require much more of my time than worthless weeping humans trying to prove their metal as your next of kin."

"You're human." Sebastian said softly.

"I remember." Shrader returned, "That's why I don't want any more humans carted to a war torn land where they would be had for dinner before the sun goes down."

"You know why you have to do this."

Shrader looked heavenward, then shot Sebastian an annoyed look, "I was twelve, nearing thirteen, when your daughter went on her fateful trip. In training to be a soldier, I was. I didn't get to shadow her like you seem to expect--"

"Even so, you're the only soldier alive who was with her. And if there's any chance that one of these boys is my child's son..." Sebastian closed his eyes, his hand fisting, "you might have a chance at recognizing him. Beyond magic, or skill...You might have seen this man who sired the child, even if you say you didn't. And if his son resembles him, you might recognize him."

"You're reaching, old man"

Sebastian looked at Shrader intently, "I don't trust any of my men with this as much as you. Shall I make it a royal command?"

Shrader let out a disgusted breath, pushing off his chair. "Alright." he hissed, annoyed, "But I'm warning you, Sebastian. This is the last time."

"There won't be a next time." Sebastian promised simply, his eyes grim, "If this batch doesn't hold true, which it won't... we march to battle. All of us."

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